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Melville is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Melville's Massive Mizzenmast Mart located on Lighthouse Lane in Barnacle Boatyard.


Melville is a coral horse who wears the Pirate Hat, the Skull Eyepatch, the Pirate Sword, a sea green Bottom Stripe shirt, and lime High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Melville appears in the following task: A Captain For Hire. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

A Captain For Hire

"Avast ye! What goes there in me store?"
"Sailing eh?"
"I'm quite a fan, I must say."
"I call myself the king of the seven seas, as well as sole proprietor of me shop here."
"But the landlubbers here in Barnacle Boatyard don't know a good mizzenmast when they see one, and my business is in a hard time."
"I resort to sailing the seas when I can to find treasure, but even that's gone unfortunate for me."
"See, I was sailing me ship and recently found some long lost treasure!"
"I was bringing me haul back when me boat was struck, and the treasures were sent flying overboard, right over the brim."
"I sat there lost for words as me treasure chests sunk down to the bottom of the ol' blue."
"I almost shed me first tear that day..."
"Okay, maybe I did when I knocked me knee into my wheel last week, but that's not for ye to share around."
"Anyway, I managed to sail back in time, but me ship's in disrepair and I'm down two chests of loot."
"If you can find me two treasure chests, I'll allow ye to help me fix me boat up, and I'll sail for ye."
"Go dive and find me lost treasure, and we can go from there."
"Good luck ye landlubber."

After collecting 2 Treasure Chests

"Oh I am but a mere cabin boy to you on this day, matey!"
"All we must do now is repair me ship and I can sail the seas once more!"
"I need ye to visit Flappy Docksplinter, he's a-"
"You've already heard of him?"
"Well heed no longer!"
"Go forth, have him repair me ship's floor!"

After returning from Flappy Docksplinter

"Ye truly are a walking daydream, [Toon Name]."
"I care a lot about me ship, and you got it all fixed up."
"But ye know what I care about nearly as much?"
"Me shop."
"I'm afraid something might happen while I'm out on me ship..."
"Can you protect me shop and defeat some of them robots that come near while I sail?"
"Thank ye, [Toon Name]."
"I will be back shortly."

After defeating 5 Cogs

"Oh me matey, this is not good."
"I sailed around Barnacle Boatyard, and I definitely saw me some Cogs in big numbers around Anchor Avenue."
"I sailed silently to keep me ship safe."
"I'm glad I returned in one piece to tell ye the truth!"
"Melville's eyes have gotten worse in their age, and I wasn't able to tell what the kerfuffle was behind all them Cogs."
"But it definitely seems there be a swarm filing their way in through Anchor Avenue!"
"You must tell Barnacle Bessie posthaste me bucko."
"Good luck."