Greggory Goggles

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Greggory Goggles is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Goggle Defoggers located on Anchor Avenue in Barnacle Boatyard.


Greggory Goggles is an aqua rabbit who wears the Alchemist Goggles, Vintage Snow Goggles, and the Hypno Goggles outfit.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Greggory Goggles appears in the following task: I Can See Clearly Now... Additionally, Greggory Goggles also appears in the A Misty Mystery Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

I Can See Clearly Now...

"Hey there! I trust that you have some goggles to defog!"
"But... you don't have any goggles on..."
"What's this? A telescope?"
"Who do you take me for?"
"I defog GOGGLES, not telescopes!"
"What is this nonsense?"
"...This is for Barnacle Bessie herself?"
"Oh ha, uh yeah! Telescopes! Defog them all the time!"
"To be honest with you, it's going to take some experimenting."
"I have usual methods for goggles, but this is a much more fine optical tool than I'm accustomed to."
"If you can give me some time and take out some of those clumps of metal shifting around, I just might be able to make it work."

After defeating some Cogs

"I managed to figure it out."
"The key to keeping goggles defogged is my patented anti-fog coating I apply to them."
"I was able to carefully apply this coating in proper fashion to this telescope lens, and it now seems to work perfectly!"
"Hopefully this helps, and tell Barnacle Bessie I said hi when you get the chance!"

A Misty Mystery

"Hey there! What kinda defogging can I do for you?"
"My defogging machine? For a mysterious Cog fogging up docks?"
"I have noticed that fog's been mighty dense as of late."
"Not to mention the surge in foul weather!"
"I'd love to help y'all out but speaking of the weather..."
"The constant storms have been causing electrical surges, shorted my machine right out!"
"If we're gonna fix that defogger, we'll need some materials. Some wiring and a motor, namely!"
"Go rough up some of those bots on the streets 'round here. The tough ones!"
"Their circuitry should have just the type of wires we're lookin' for! Now get crackin'!"

After recovering some strong wires

"Alright, let's see here..."
"One, two, three... This is great! This'll definitely cover our wire worries!"
"That just leaves the motor, so you'd best be ready for a proper wallop!"
"That is to say, a tough fight."
"Hey, a defogger's a smidge on the demanding side! Not just any old motor will do!"
"Only the real big bads are gonna have what we're looking for, but you'll make quick work of 'em!"
"After all, if Bessie sent you, then you're the real deal, without a doubt! Now get a move on!"

After recovering a motor

"Hey there chief, that was mighty fast! Just like I said, ey? And you've got the motor!"
"Now, time to work some magic!"
"Red to red... green to green... screw this in real tight..."
"...And we're back in business!"
"And there's a workin' defogger for you! Just make sure you return it, you hear?"

Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Greggory Goggles appears in the following directive: Temperature Troubles. His dialogue during this directive is as follows:

Temperature Troubles

"Hey there! I hope you have some goggles for me to defog. Last Toon to come here only wanted me to defog a telescope."
"I tell ya, it's just not the same. Come to think of it, I've had a lot of people ask me to defog telescopes. I wonder why."
"Anyways, how can I help you?"
"Alright, hand the goggles over."
"Wait, you need the defogger? Not just for them to be defogged?"
"I only have so much defogger, so you'd have to trade me something."
"There's been a lot of Conveyancers around here, and they keep trying to get my defogger."
"Can you take care of some of them for me?"

After defeating 3 Conveyancers

"Did'ya take down those Conveyancers?"
"Only 3? That won't do at all!"
"You are gonna have to run and take down at least double that to even make a dent in the masses of those goggled Cogs."

After defeating 6 Conveyancers

"You look tired, what have you been up to?"
"You took down how many of those goggled monsters?"
"Now that's a number I can get behind!"
"Although, I guess you could take down some more for me..."
"Nah, I'm joking, here you go."
"Come on back anytime if you need any more goggles defogged. And please..."
"Only goggles."