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Art is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Art's Smart Chart Mart located on Seaweed Street in Barnacle Boatyard.


Art is a maroon cat who wears the Fez Hat, Nerd Glasses, the unobtainable Toontask Completer shirt with bright red Double Striped sleeves, and red tinted Sellbot Crusher Shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Art appears in the following task: Charting Smart Charts. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Charting Smart Charts

"Hey there! How can I-"
"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down there!"
"What's the big rush?"
"Y'know, this would've been easier if you had saved your breath instead of bolting into my shop..."
"Okay, now tell me, what do you need?"
"Hmm... a chart of the Cog's activity since the swarm broke loose..."
"That's quite an ambitious task, I must say."
"Normally I do simple things like playground maps, or charts of jellybean inflation since the big switch."
"To draw up a chart of that detail and magnitude would take a few resources. But I'm willing to try."
"First start by getting me the shoes of a Glad Hander."
"These Cogs, however it may be a surprise due to their name, get around a lot to schmooze."
"They make a ton of noticeable tracks all over the boardwalks of Barnacle Boatyard."
"Getting me their shoes will allow me to track them."
"It'll be an arduous task but in time it will indeed lead to definite results."
"In the meantime I'll prepare my finest paper and crayons. This chart's gotta look professional, after all!"

After recovering Some Shoes from Glad Handers

"Perfect, these are going to work excellently for collecting this data."
"Speaking of data, however, there is more that could be done to further this research."
"If you can find one of those unsightly Bean Counters around these parts and take it down..."
"Bring me the number of beans it leaves behind. The amount can contain valuable insight into just how many Cogs are planned to come."
"Don't feel too rushed now, retracing these steps will certainly take a while."

After recovering Some Numbers from Bean Counters

"This should give me some valuable insight."
"I've already begun progress on the chart, but it's not quite done yet."
"I've already used blue and green, but I can't seem to find my red crayon..."
"I used one that I thought was red, but it just ended up being red-violet... so I guess I'll just have to go with that."
"Either way, the last thing I could really use is something from those Insiders. Some kind of -- debriefing list of sorts, perhaps?"
"Having that should enable me to finish this chart up and hand it over, so be on the lookout for those Cogs!"

After recovering A Debriefing List from Insiders

"This is wonderful, it gives a real insight to the activity of the Cogs as it shows many of the thought processes shared around."
"This will allow me to get a theoretically accurate representation of the activity of Cogs here since they've invaded."
"Cross these lines..."
"Connect these dots..."
"Done. I have the chart all ready and finished. It's quite interesting to look over, to be honest."
"I hope this helps you out, [Toon Name]."
"And don't be in such a rush next time, you could fall, and boy would that smart!"
"I could even whip you up a chart on how much that'd smart, if you'd like."
"Fair enough."
"Alright, good luck to you and the Toons of the resistance. If you need anymore help I'm always here!"