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River is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Barnacle Boatyard playground.


River is an aqua mouse who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline River appears in the following tasks: Oh, Barnacles!, The Important Stuff, Unite the Buccaneers!, and Charting Smart Charts. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Oh, Barnacles!

"Welcome to the Barnacle Boatyard Headquarters!"
"Barnacle Bessie sent you here to help us, huh?"
"Well, I'll be honest, we can use any toony hands we can get. So welcome aboard."
"Let me introduce you, I'm Resistance Ranger River, and behind this desk you can find my trusty HQ Officers, Dover, Misty, and Wade."
"We're all a bit new to this, so bear with us. We have a lot to do and a lot to help with. So let's get to work, shall we?"
"First I want you to help Wade with tasks I've assigned him. He's the newest member on this HQ officer team and as such could use the help the most."
"Good luck."

The Important Stuff

"I guess you really are just as good as your reputation says."
"I've been holding onto important tasks that I've set up with Barnacle Bessie, but I figure you're just as good to share this with."
"We wanted to start a new initiative in the form of the Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers."
"This plan would have us uniting the strongest Toons we have here in Barnacle Boatyard to make a formidable team."
"This team would go out on the streets in order to keep these Cogs down -- just where they deserve to be."
"One Toon from each street."
"The Toons we need you to unite are..."
"Rocky Shores of Seaweed Street's Able-Bodied Gym."
"Cal Estenicks of Buccaneer Boulevard's Poop Deck Gym."
"Svetlana of Lighthouse Lane's Mussel Beach Gymnasium."
"And A.R. Ming of Anchor Avenue's Swordfish Armor and Weaponry."
"Go out, unite these Toons, and give Barnacle Boatyard the team it needs to defend itself properly."
"I believe in you, [Toon Name]!"

Unite the Buccaneers!

"I've heard the great news!"
"The Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers are already teaming up and strategizing. This is perfect."
"But now, we need to focus on the other side of the spectrum."
"The last thing Barnacle Bessie tasked me with besides getting the stronger Toons together was getting to the bottom of this Cog swarm."
"So you, me, and the Toons of Barnacle Boulevard are going to get to the bottom of it, right here, right now."
"So I need you to go to Art right away."
"He's a master of charts, from street maps, to the little customary direction ones for new tourists. He's the guy."
"We need you to go to him and have him draw up a chart of the Cog's recent activity."
"This will allow us to move forward with a plan to find the source of these Cogs and figure out the best way to slow them down."
"Now hurry!"

Charting Smart Charts

"You got the chart already?"
"...let me look it over real quick."
"Wow, that's really quite interesting..."
"I think this is something bigger than my duties."
"I need you to take this chart to Barnacle Bessie and work with her from here on out."
"Us here at the headquarters got this handled. We learned from the best, after all."
"You go on to accomplish bigger and better things, [Toon Name]."
"It was a pleasure working with you, and I hope to see you around Barnacle Boatyard sometime soon!"
"Good luck!"