A.R. Ming

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A.R. Ming is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Swordfish Armor And Weaponry located on Anchor Avenue in Barnacle Boatyard.


A.R. Ming is a yellow cat who wears the Roman Helmet, the Pirate Sword, the Traditional Tin Soldier Shirt, and the Pirate shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, A.R. Ming appears in the following task: Unite the Buccaneers! His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Unite the Buccaneers!

"Hey, how can I help?"
"Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers, huh?"
"Who's on the team?"
"Rocky Shores, Cal Estenicks, and Svetlana??"
"How did you manage to get all those Toons working together..."
"I gotta say, I'm impressed. That's quite a lineup."
"But if getting me on board is what you want, then you'll have to help me out."
"See, I'm only really talented in the art of swordfishmanship."
"Wielding a xiphiidae, I charge into battle, which then I promptly drop it and use my pies and seltzer like a coward."
"But there lies the problem. "Drop it.""
"If you can start by fishing me up a new swordfish to use, that'll be the start."
"Hurry back now!"

After fishing up A Swordfish

"Perfect, this specimen will do finely."
"Now, I just need some armor."
"What? A floppy swordfish isn't gonna keep me safe out there!"
"I think if you take out some of those stronger Cogs, you can get some metal plating from their suits."
"I can fashion that into perfect armor for battle!"
"Bring back some metal plating and you've got yourself a new buccaneer!"

After recovering A Metal Plate

"These look just fine, I can make this work no problem."
"I'm proudly declaring myself a new member of the Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers!"
"And thank you to not only giving me this opportunity to help out our playground, but for helping me in getting a new swordfish and new armor!"
"From here we'll roam the streets daily, picking off Cogs one by one and keeping our streets as safe as we can for all of Barnacle Boatyard."
"It's exciting just talking about it!"
"Well, I'll let you head back to the Toon Headquarters. I've got some planning to do with my fellow buccaneers!"
"See you around, [Toon Name]!"