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Svetlana is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Mussel Beach Gymnasium located on Lighthouse Lane in Barnacle Boatyard.


Svetlana is a green cat who wears the Anvil Hat, a blue Bottom Stripe shirt, and the Green Sailor Skirt.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Svetlana appears in the following task: Unite the Buccaneers! Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Unite the Buccaneers!

"Da, hello. I am Svetlana and velkome to my gym."
"I teach rrraw strrrength and pover to all Toons."
"What you vant?"
"You vant Svetlana to fight?"
"Svetlana crush Cogs vith bare gloves."
"Prove to Svetlana zat you are strrrong Toon."
"Crush big Cogs quickly and Svetlana vill join team."
"You go."

After defeating 4 Level 4+ Cogs

"Svetlana impressed."
"Svetlana join your buccaneer team."
"I vill crush all Cogs."
"You go now."