Cal Estenicks

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Cal Estenicks is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Poop Deck Gym located on Buccaneer Boulevard in Barnacle Boatyard.


Cal Estenicks is a white rabbit who wears the Red Baseball Cap, a sienna 19 shirt with sienna Button-Up sleeves, and sienna Athletic shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Cal Estenicks appears in the following task: Unite the Buccaneers! His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Unite the Buccaneers!

"Welcome to the Poop Deck Gym. I'm Cal Estenicks."
"Despite what you may think from my appearance, I offer the finest training in regards to swiftness, grace, and agility."
"Would you like to try?"
"No worries if you don't have the time, what else can I help you with?"
"A recruitment plan, huh?"
"So you want to unite the strongest and most agile Toons in all of Barnacle Boatyard to assit in taking down the Cogs..."
"I really couldn't have planned it better myself."
"But I need to know this team is legitimate."
"If you can take down some of these stronger robots that roam around my shop, I'll gladly use my talents for the good of Barnacle Boatyard."

After defeating 4 Level 3+ Cogs

"Looks like I'm an official buccaneer now."
"These Cogs won't be able to withstand the constant bounce, the perfect agility, the swift movement as I flash around before their sensors."
"The Barnacle Boatyard Buccaneers are coming together!"
"See you out there, [Toon Name]."