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Misty is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Barnacle Boatyard playground.


Misty is a blue cat who wears a the Pirate Hat, the Skull Eyepatch, a lavender Bottom Stripe shirt, and the Daisy skirt.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline Misty appears in the following tasks: Meet Misty, Contacting Live Support, and Baby's First Steps. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Meet Misty

"There's just the Toon I wanted to see!"
"I've heard nothing but exemplary news buzzing around Barnacle Boatyard about you, [Toon Name]."
"In fact, we got a report about a Toon yelling, and it turned out to be Billy Budd yelling about how much help you were!"
"And also about his new binnacles..."
"That being said, I do have some issues I could really use your expertise on."
"Helpful Harry's been doing his very best over at Be Pacific Customer Support..."
"But since the Cogs have come he's been swarmed with requests and Toons popping in one by one!"
"Can you head over to his shop on Anchor Avenue and help him solve a few open tickets he has?"
"It'd really allow him to get back to assisting Toons on smaller-scale needs."
"Thank you!"

Contacting Live Support

"Can you just stick around here and help us forever?"
"You make all our jobs so much easier!"
"So lastly I have a few Toons here that I need to assist in preparing them to deal with Cogs being around."
"These shopkeepers are all really frightened and rather new to the idea of this, so we need to take good care in helping them along!"
"Start by going to Eileen Overboard at Piano Tuna Works for Scale on Buccaneer Boulevard."
"That's a good starting point."
"Come see me once you've helped her and we'll send you along to the next shopkeeper."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"

Baby's First Steps

"If you had told me you were Lord Lowden Clear himself coming through solving all of our issues, I wouldn't disagree!"
"You're really an expert at taking down these Cogs, and teaching us Toons how to take them down."
"I don't have anything else here I can't handle. I'll let you talk to Resistance Ranger River again."
"I'm sure having proven yourself to this degree, she'll give you some real important stuff."
"Thank you, [Toon Name]."