Helpful Harry

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Helpful Harry is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Be Pacific! Customer Support located on Anchor Avenue in Barnacle Boatyard.


Helpful Harry is a tan bear who wears the Aqua Baseball Cap, the Gag Attack Pack, the Goldfish shirt, and the Gold Buckle shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Helpful Harry appears in the following task: Contacting Live Support. Additionally, Helpful Harry also appears in Stopping the Scuttlebutt Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Contacting Live Support

"Hey there!"
"If you need some help I'll be glad to open a ticket with you, but just be aware that I've got quite the list at the moment."
"Times are tough after all, since these Cogs have dropped by."
"Oh, you're here to help ME?"
"Well, that's certainly a change of pace for once!"
"I'm normally the Toon helping everyone else, but it's very fulfilling for me. I love helping people solve issues they experience."
"Right now the main problem I have on my tickets up and down the board is simply Cogs. Cogs here, there, everywhere!"
"If you could just start by ridding the Barnacle Boatyard streets of a few Cogs each, I think that'd allow me to cross off quite a few open tickets."
"Just start with this street here, and then make your way through Lighthouse Lane, Buccaneer Boulevard, and lastly Seaweed Street."
"Once you've done that, come back and see me and we'll see what else we can cross off."
"Thank you for all your help!"

After completing each task

"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"
"You've helped me more in this short time than I've helped Toons in weeks!"
"You're a natural at this. I should hire you!"
"But I know you've got much greater things to accomplish than just sitting here with me in my support center."
"Good luck to you and the Toon Resistance. You've got my faith in you Toons!"

Stopping the Scuttlebutt

"Hello there! Welcome to Be Pacific! Customer Support."
"Are you in need of any customer support today?"
"You are? What do you need help with?"
"Carla? Oh, I know her! Why do you ask?"
"Suspicious behavior? Weird adhesive?"
"Long tangents about her friend Abby? That does sound weird."
"Unfortunately, I don't operate on that street so it's difficult for me to suggest anything."
"Perhaps you should talk to other shopkeepers on the street?"
"They will likely know more about her situation."
"Perhaps Blisters McKee at The Reel Deal may be able to help you?"
"Thank you for visiting Be Pacific! Customer Support."
"Remember, your visits are important to us."