Eileen Overboard

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Eileen Overboard is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Piano Tuna Works for Scale located on Buccaneer Boulevard in Barnacle Boatyard.


Eileen Overboard is a citrine cat who wears the Sun Hat, a mint Bottom Stripe shirt, and the Green Sailor Skirt.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Eileen Overboard appears in the following task: Baby's First Steps. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Baby's First Steps

"Hey there, [Toon Name]."
"Nice to meet the Toon that's been the talk of the town lately!"
"Are you here to help me with my Cog situation?"
"I've gotta say, it's been rather disappointing since the Cogs came."
"Barnacle Boatyard used to be sun, sand, and surf, and now it's just simply soggy, foggy, and Coggy..."
"I'm ready to help us make Barnacle Boatyard the aquatic paradise it once was!"
"But, I need some guidance on how to just exactly do that."
"Could you bring me a level four gag?"
"Having that would go a long way in helping me with this battling thing, I think."

After delivering a Level 4 Gag to Eileen Overboard

"Wow, this looks impressive, I'm glad I got you showing me the ropes!"
"So... if you could go and defeat a few Cogs outside my shop, I think I could watch you and see what your steps are."
"This is really exciting!"

After defeating 2 Level 4+ Cogs

"That didn't look that hard!"
"I think I'm ready, I'm gonna go train my own tracks and take down as many of those rust buckets as I can!"
"Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"See you on the streets!"