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Wade is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Barnacle Boatyard playground.


Wade is a red horse who wears a the Sailor Hat, the Skull Eyepatch, a slate blue Bottom Stripe shirt, and blue High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline Wade appears in the following tasks: Oh, Barnacles!, Butter Flippers, and Someone's Been Drinking Saltwarer... His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Oh, Barnacles!

"You're here to help us right?"
"That's great, cause I wasn't feeling too confident myself..."
"But maybe you can show me how it's done, especially from what I overheard was happening in Toontown Central."
"The first major task I have is to go and see Fred Flounder at Lost and Flounder on Lighthouse Lane."
"Apparently when the Cogs swarmed Toons dropped what they were doing and ran off to their shops and estates, literally and figuratively."
"Fred has had the job of going around to collect these items and return them to their owners."
"Can you go see him and help him hand the items back? It shouldn't be too hard."
"Thanks, [Toon Name]!"

Butter Flippers

"Done already?"
"Fantastic, I'll just check that one off the list then."
"Let's see here..."
"Ah... yes..."
"I have it written down to check up on old Mr. Ahab."
"He's been reportedly acting out of character and being risky..."
"He's reportedly gone out on the streets and toyed with the Cogs, tipping them over and yelling at them when he can."
"If you could, can you go over and talk to him and see what that's been all about?"
"Thanks, [Toon Name]. Good luck."

Someone's Been Drinking Saltwarer...

"Looking good! Ahab's managed to convert yet another Toon into a swashbuckler, huh?"
"Well, all I gotta say is I'm sure glad to hear the commotion's just him wanting to protect Barnacle Boatyard."
"I was afraid he was starting to drink the salt water again!"
"Anyways, that covers all the big issues I've got assigned to me now."
"I have just a few small things here and there, like helping fix that creaky door over on Buccaneer Boulevard."
"I do think Dover needed some help however, if I recall correctly."
"Why don't you go over and help him out?"
"Thanks for all the excellent work, [Toon Name]!"