Professor Guffaw

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Professor Guffaw is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Laughing Lessons located on Silly Street in Toontown Central.


Professor Guffaw is a maroon dog who wears a Party Hat, Heart Glasses, the Gag Attack Pack, a Mad Scientist shirt, and the Cog-Crusher Shorts.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - In Toontown Central's taskline Professor Guffaw appears in the following task: Jokey Jam. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Jokey Jam

"Ah yes, welcome!"
"I presume you're here to learn how to laugh properly, correct?"
"Oh, hush hush, let me jump right into it. I am a professional, after all."
"It starts from the diaphragm. First, you breathe in deeply. Then, upon hearing the funniest joke, you bellow out in laughter!"
"Let's put it into practice."
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Because the road was too long to go around!"
"Haha! ..."
"You... you didn't laugh."
"I guess it really is true, the quality of my jokes has really been dropping lately..."
"But! There IS one way to make them better again!"
"Laughing gas!"
"Yes, we'll supply every Toon with laughing gas so that every joke will be funny! It's foolproof."
"There's a small issue though. I'm all out of laughing gas!"
"Some Cogs came in and stole it while I was practicing my latest knee-slapper!"
"They didn't even laugh..."
"You don't think they were deaf, do you?"
"You're not surprised, you say?"
"Well, anyway! Could you go and see if you can recover my laughing gas for me? Please?"

After recovering some laughing gas

"Awesome! You got the tanks of laughing gas back!"
"But... there's hardly any left!"
"How will I ever manage to get this place back in order..."
"Joy buzzers? No... too shocking."
"One-liners? No, they're even shorter lived..."
"Ah-hah! I've got just the thing in mind."
"There just might be one Toon out there that could help me fix my problems!"
"I need you to run over to Jesse right away!"
"His shop's here on Silly Street as well! It's called Jesse's Joke Repair!"
"Please hurry! I have a class coming in a few hours, and they're all as funny as a pie gone cold!"

After returning from Jesse Jester

"Joke repair tools?"
"Why, I can feel them working already!"
"In fact, let's give it another shot."
"What does a clock do when it's hungry?"
"It goes back four seconds!"
"Isn't that hilarious?"
"This is perfect! Thank you, [Toon Name]!"
"I'll let you head back to the Toon Headquarters now. You've helped me out so much, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you with Lowden."
"Now my students will be able to spread laughter far and wide!"
"I can picture it now, groups of Toons hanging around in the Toontown Central playground..."
"All of them so funny, enjoying each other's presence and jokes!"
"Thanks again, [Toon Name]."


  • Professor Guffaw was an obtainable 3 Star Restock Toon-Up SOS Card up until the v1.2.0 update, which removed SOS Cards that restocked a single Gag track from the reward pool.
    • Her SOS Card was outright removed altogether in v1.3.0, which removed any restock SOS Cards and rerolled them into the equivalent tier IOUs.
  • Prior to an unknown update, Professor Guffaw wore a white Pleated Skirt rather than the Cog-Crusher Shorts.
