Doctor Surlee
Doctor Surlee is an NPC Toon who could be found during the Halloween 2018 event in Mom and Pop Corn on Petunia Place in Daffodil Gardens for a special task available during the event.
Doctor Surlee is an orange monkey who wears a Scientist Outfit.
Story Appearances
Event Tasks - Doctor Surlee appears in the Halloween 2018 ToonTask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Ooo! You're here from Flippy?"
"I was scrounging for something to pop up, but nothing seemed to be happening!"
"After a few days of trying, I figured this place was worth a shot!"
"No luck on spooky findings, but I sure did find a good selection!"
"White chedder, caramle, extra buttery, even chocolate covered!"
"I'll have to send poor Flippy a gift basket of this stuff when I get back."
"Thanks for checking in on me, [Toon Name]!"