Auntie Art

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Auntie Art is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Ant-Art-Ica Art Academy located on Arctic Avenue in The Brrrgh.


Auntie Art is a dark blue raccoon who wears a periwinkle Flowers shirt and a periwinkle Pleated skirt.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - Auntie Art appears in the Art for Auntie Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Art for Auntie

"Oh, hello there! Welcome to the Ant-Art-Ica Art Academy! I haven't seen you around... are you looking to enroll?"
"What's that? The art gallery? Having trouble? Nooo! It's... coming along! Haha...!"
"Sigh... I'm not convincing anyone with that, am I?"
"Alright. You're right. We're seriously lacking in suitable art pieces to display in the gallery!"
"I love my students, and they're very talented, but... well..."
"We were hoping to display OTHER pieces as well! From the community, too, not just from students!"
"But we can't seem to find any!"
"Huh? You want to help? Well... I won't say no to a helping hand!"
"If you could gather some pieces of art from around Toontown, all of us here at the academy would be very grateful!"
"I feel as though I remember Flippy displaying some art in the Toon Hall... perhaps you could start by asking him?"

After returning from Flippy

"Oh splended! I'm so pleased to hear that the mayor himself was willing to make donations to the gallery!"
"Still... I was hoping we could find a few more pieces..."
"You know... If you were willing to go to some more difficult lengths for the gallery."
"I've heard whispers from those Resistance Rangers that the Chief Legal Officer has art pieces on display in her office!"
"What's that? Cog art? I know that! But art is art, no matter WHO it's made by! And it deserves to be displayed!"
"Besides... I think it could really bring attention to the gallery... imagine, and exhibit featuring art made by Cogs! How fascinating!"
"It almost makes you think... if they're capable of the creative drive that spurs on the creation of art... could they possibly be...?"
"Oh no, nevermind me! Just go fetch that art!"

After defeating the Chief Legal Officer 2 times

"Oh yes, yes, these will do nicely! Thank you so much!"
"The emotionless emotion of these pieces!"
"The cool shape and color, cold like metal!"
"The structure and positioning, perfectly in form like a strict office environment!"
"What a sharp contrast to our Toony art! How very unique and interesting!"
"Truly, these will finish off our gallery with a bang! Thank you, [Toon Name], you've been a great help!"
"I hope to see you at the grand opening!"