Blog Posts (2018)/Article 3

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Painters Programmers, and Texture Artists.

Posted on February 28, 2018 by Corporate Clash Team

Taken from the official Corporate Clash website

Toontown Corporate Clash is the next new server on the horizon, but we're in need of talented, interested artists and creatives to join our team before our official release.

Currently, TTCC has people all around the globe assisting in the development of the game, all eager to see it's release and success down the road. We want to reach out to anyone interested in helping to achieve this goal.

We currently are looking for all positions:

   - Texture Artists
   - Brand Artists
   - Game Programmers
   - 3D Modelers
   - 3D Animators
   - Concept Artists
   - Frontend Web Devs

To get started, send a small description about yourself and some examples of previous work to @Clash ModMail#3529 or [email protected]. We'll be sure to read through your application and get back to you as soon as we can!

If you don't see your position listed above but still think you'd be a great asset to the team, feel free to contact us as well. Just know that the job is up to you to convince us we need one of whatever you are! Toons of the World, we need your help!