Blog Posts (2018)

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Toontown: Corporate Clash 2018 Blog Posts taken from the Corporate Clash website.
A total of 24 Blog Posts were posted in 2018.

Painters Programmers, and Texture Artists.

Posted on February 28, 2018


Toontown Corporate Clash is the next new server on the horizon, but we're in need of talented, interested artists and creatives to join our team before our official release.

Launching Toontown Forward

Posted on March 17, 2018


Hey there, Toons! Liam reporting in, the director of all things technical here at Corporate Clash. It's been a hectic past few months, and I can say with absolute certainty that it wasn't for nothing! Toontown is only beginning to acquire the chefs and bakers it needs to fend off the Cogs, so it's only appropriate that I pitch in and help.

Tidying up Toontown

Posted on March 24, 2018


Hey 'dere toons! It's ya favorite toon in the trashcans around town, your own resident, Travis da Trashcat. Now let me introduce myself.

Let's Talk Resets

Posted on March 28, 2018


Hi toons! I'm Ricky and welcome to a significant and informative blog post. On behalf of the team, I'll be writing this blog to inform all of you of what's been discussed internally regarding a toon reset in the recent days, as well as to be entirely transparent with all of you.

Meet the Creative Team

Posted on March 31, 2018


Greetings from the glorious backstage, Toons of The World! I'm MasterFrasca, Creative Lead and Composer for the Toontown: Corporate Clash team! Our creative team is massive and spans many aspects of the game, and I hope that with this, you can gain a better understanding of just what all those creative members do exactly!

Six.. Seven.. Eight!

Posted on April 06, 2018


Hey there, toons! Hope you all enjoyed your April Toons Week / Easter! It's Sir Tubby Cheezyfish checking in to see what all the ruckus is about. Apparently, there have been rumors that there are level 8 Gags now, so allow me to settle this once and for all.

The winner is...

Posted on April 13, 2018


Our community manager Ricky describes the thought process on resetting toons from Altis.

Flippy's Missing Frames

Posted on April 20, 2018


Flippy's lost his frames! Details for the Toon Hall Painting Contest.

Flippy's New Frames

Posted on April 27, 2018


Winners for the Toon Hall Painting Contest. Congratulations to all who won!

Words For The Future

Posted on May 11, 2018


Our vision for Corporate Clash and a look at what's ahead.

Is this thing on?

Posted on June 19, 2018


We're looking for new district names!

The Big Reveal!

Posted on June 22, 2018


It's the time you've all been waiting for...

It's finally here!

Posted on July 03, 2018


Today's the day

Let The Games Begin!

Posted on August 05, 2018


Get your pies, seltzers bottles, and tasers ready for the event of a lifetime!

Speaking of species...

Posted on August 15, 2018


Outback at the Barnyard species aren't the only ones receiving attention!

The Competition Heats Up!

Posted on August 19, 2018


Things are getting interesting.

Got Jellybeans?

Posted on September 01, 2018


Feeling generous? Then you'll want to read this blog!

Get involved!

Posted on September 23, 2018


Flippy's announced a new wrinkle in the pages of the Outback at the Barnyard event!

Congratulations, Team Outback!

Posted on September 30, 2018


Congratulations, Team Outback! Check out this latest blog for all the exciting news!

Halloween is here!

Posted on October 27, 2018


Halloween is upon us! Click here to learn more!

Happy Thanksgiving, Corporate Clash!

Posted on November 21, 2018


Cluck here to see what we have in store.

The Friendliest Update

Posted on December 06, 2018


Hey there, friend! Click here to read all about our newest content update!

Free Holiday Trip - On Us!

Posted on December 19, 2018


Congratulations, you’ve won a free holiday trip! Click here for more info.

Happy New Year!

Posted on December 31, 2018


Happy New Year! Click here to check out how Toontown: Corporate Clash is celebrating!