Blog Posts (2018)/Article 25

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Happy Thanksgiving, Corporate Clash!

Posted on November 21, 2018 by The Team

Taken from the official Corporate Clash website

Flippy here, wishing all of you toons out there celebrating a happy Thanksgiving!
Many toons of the world celebrate this event each and every year, coming together to have great feasts filled with banana cream pies and reminiscing on another great toony year gone by!
This is no different for other parts of the Toony world! In fact, we found this very thing out in a very shocking way!
In the town of Gobbleburg, Thanksgiving is a huge celebration! Toons from all reaches come together to enjoy a wonderful meal. But the poor Turkey toons residing in Gobbleburg never seem to get an invitation...
But lucky for Turkeys everywhere, Toontown is always welcoming! I mean, we’ll do just about anything we can do to get MORE toons to help in our cog battles, right?
So watch out! All during the day of Thanksgiving, we’re expecting a BURST of Turkey toons flooding the streets of Toontown. Make sure you greet them and wish them a happy Thanksgiving!
And if this excitement doesn’t fully satisfy you yet, then be sure to check out our newest backstage post here!

And of course, the latest patch notes can be found here.