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Districts are Toontown Corporate Clash's servers which can hold up to 300 players each. There are currently 12 active Districts which players can access by pressing the SB Districts.png Districts Icon in their Shtickerbook.

While viewing the Districts page, players can find related information such as each District's population size, the total population of all Districts, and which Districts are under a Cog Invasion. Districts with the Safe.png Safe icon cannot be invaded by Cogs. Players can also move to another available District if they so choose.

When logging into Toontown Corporate Clash, the game will try to place players in the same District until it becomes full, at which point it will pick another District to place them into. If a District is under severe pressure, Toons will not be able to create any new Groups in that District.

There are slight variations between Districts, such as population size, Cog Buildings, roaming Cogs, and Cog Invasions.

Districts List

  • Anvil Acres
  • Cupcake Cove
  • Foghorn Falls Safe.png
  • Geyser Gulch
  • High-Dive Hills
  • Hypno Heights Safe.png
  • Lightbulb Lake
  • Marble Mountains
  • Seltzer Summit
  • Tesla Tundra Safe.png

Removed Districts

  • Bamboozle Bay
  • Boulderbury
  • Bugle Bay
  • Comical Canyon
  • Feather Field
  • Hypno Harbor
  • Jellybean Junction
  • Jollywood
  • Kazoo Kanyon
  • Lazy Lagoon
  • Opera Oasis
  • Piano Peaks
  • Pixie Plains
  • Quicksand Quarry
  • Rake River
  • Splatville
  • Whistle Woods


  • If a District is close to becoming full, Pizzeria groups not in your own District will not appear on the Group Tracker.
    • If a District is full, Pizzeria groups will be automatically disbanded and no new ones will be allowed to be created.
  • Players used to be able to select a District to launch their Toon into from the game launcher as well as the Pick-A-Toon menu, but this feature was removed in v1.2.9.
  • Safe Districts prevent the Present Thief minigame from occuring in Toonseltown.
