Blue Lou
Blue Lou is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Winter Storage located on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.
Blue Lou is a blue mouse who wears a yellow Bottom Stripe shirt and coral Shorts with Belt.
Story Appearances
The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Blue Lou appears in the following task: Prepping For The Winter? Their dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Why, what on this fine wintery day brings you to Winter Storage?"
"An inquiry about someone having opened a locker?"
"Sorry to break it to you, but most people in these parts who open a locker here are Chipmunks touring for the winter to store acorns!"
"Who could you possibly be asking about?"
"Lil' Oldman? The Blizzard Wizard?"
"Well no, no storage here."
"But I DID get contracted to build him a storage room a while back."
"I can't exactly remember where though..."
"I had documents that'd allow me to tell you..."
"But when the Lawbots came they did a thorough sweep of buildings, and with it they stole my documents."
"My best bet is that they stored it inside one of their buildings they have towering around."
"If you by chance could find it, that'd be the best bet."
"If you do, just bring it by and I'll tell you where it is. It's the least I can do if you get my documentation back in order."
After recovering Some Storage Documents from A Lawbot Cog Building
"Hey, you found it! Hand it over and let's take a look!"
"Let's see here..."
"Hmm, okay..."
"Wait a minute..."
"THAT'S where it is?"
"According to the paperwork..."
"His storage is just..."
"Right next to The Blizzard Wizard itself!"
"Wait, where are you goi-"