Chef Foolery

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Chef Foolery is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Lying Birthday Cakes located on Wacky Way in Toontown Central.


Chef Foolery is a lime rabbit who wears the Chef Hat, White Mini Blinds, a lime Feather shirt, and periwinkle High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - Chef Foolery appears in the Give and Cake Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Give and Cake

"Well, look at you. Aren't you an interesting specimen The Resistance has."
"Let's hope that you are more adequate than the last ones."
"First, testing your ability to comprehend commands. Defeat a singular Cog."

After defeating a Cog

"Would you look at that, you know how to listen."
"Bravo. Do you want a gold star to help you feel accomplished?"
"I know that look on your face. You want something better, I see."
"Fine then, let us move on to the next test. Defeat some of those Cogs out there and return back to me."

After defeating some Cogs

"Look at you, the protagonist. If I was capable of applauding, I would."
"But I won't, because why waste my precious energy? I have a life too, you know."
"Shocking, I know. "What? Foolery has a life besides sitting behind a desk all day?""
"Yes, actually. Yet, knowing you, you are going to weasel your way into my life either way."
"And since you care that much, you can deal with my mortal enemy..."
"The Pettifogger."
"Get rid of that... thing, and then return to me."

After defeating a Pettifogger

"Finally. Relief for an estimated five seconds."
"I will give you credit for making me slightly impressed. Rarely has any Toon reached that high."
"For that, I will give you one last test."
"Two of my subjects have run off and lost an important document to those Cogs."
"Recover that document and return it to me."

After recovering some classified documents

"There it is. I can get started on those plans."
"What is it? Hmm. Well, given that you have assisted me, I will leak some of it."
"I am working on lemon cakes stuffed with TNT. It's genius. An old friend of mine recommended it."
"It's thanks to his design that I can fend off my shop against those Cogs. Pesky things."
"Now, here's your reward. You can leave my presence."