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The High Roller using Con-Duck-Tion

Con-Duck-Tion is a signature Cog attack performed exclusively by the High Roller.


  • "And the crowd goeff wild for thiff act! A real pecking order iff in action... now."
  • "Confuffion can go a long way, and thiff act iff no different."
  • "Ffee, you're going to get well acquainted with what'ff on my head! And that'ff duckieff!"
  • "Quack! Can you relate, babe? No? Well, now you can."
  • "You know, I really like bread! And ffo do my little friendff here, iffn't that right!"

Damage Statistics

High Roller
Target 2 Toons
Level 100.mgr
Damage 225
Accuracy 85
Frequency 25


A video showing off the Con-Duck-Tion attack.


  • The name of this attack is a play on "Conduction" and "Duck".