Corporate Clash 5th Anniversary

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Corporate Clash celebrated its fifth anniversary on July 2nd, 2023. To celebrate, the code "5THBIRTHDAY" was released giving Toons a 6 hour All-Star Booster, and all Gumball rewards were doubled from July 2nd 12:00 AM to July 3rd 11:59 PM Toontown Time. While Gumballs gained from Sweeteners were doubled, it did not affect weekly gumball limit, essentially doubling the limit. Additionally, a blogpost discussing Mix-and-Match was released, showcasing new customization features.


  • If players fought all Managers with Sweeteners on July 2nd and July 3rd, it'd be possible to max out the weekly Gumball limit and gain 2,000 Gumballs from Sweeteners alone.
    • The total Gumball amount from Sweeteners that can be gained in a single day is 532, doubling to 1054 during the event.
  • Since this event was before v.1.4.0, Daily Tasks would only give 100 gumballs (the standard amount being only 50 gumballs per daily task pre-1.4.0).



  1. "Celebrating 5 Years of Corporate Clash!" (Archive), 2023-07-01.
  1. "New Toons... for the Amused!" (Archive), 2023-07-02.