Diane Egg

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Diane Egg is an NPC Toon who could be found during the Easter 2020 event. She was involved in a ToonTask that would award Toons with an outfit related to the event she showed up in.


Diane Egg is a dark blue rabbit with green legs and peach gloves who wears the Bunny Outfit.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Diane Egg appears in the Easter 2020 Task: Eggcellent Delivery. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Eggcellent Delivery

"Hey there, [Toon Name], the name's Diane Egg! Thank goodness you're here!"
"I was so close to making my deliveries on time this year, but those darn Cogs stole my basket!"
"I don't know what they want with a basket of eggs, but I do need that back and ASAP!"
"Could you perhaps go and get it for me?"

After recovering an Egg Basket from The Cogs

"Oh, wonderful! Let's see if everything's here."
"Oh jumping jellybeans, what happened to the chocolate eggs!? Oh no!"
"Those darn Cogs! Please help again, I really need those eggs back!"
"There should be ten in total! Come back once you have all ten!"

After recovering 10 Chocolate Eggs from The Cogs

"You are a lifesaver!"
"Okay, I know I am asking much but I have one more tiny request!"
"Could you go to the pond and try to fish out a pair of hypno glasses for me?"
"I know it's a stretch... but it doesn't hurt to try!"

After fishing up some Hypno Glasses

"You found a pair?"
"I knew I could trust my instincts! You are the best, [Toon Name]!"
"Now, one last favor..."
"I know, I know I said last time but I promise, this is the real deal! The golden goose egg!"
"Could you perhaps deliver this basket for me? Pretty please?"
"You've been able to get my things back so quickly, and I don't want this delivery to be anymore late!"
"Awe, thank you! Just head on over to the Childwood Daycare Center!"

Misc. Appearances