Fiddle Me This

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Fiddle Me This is a task which was available during St. Patricks Day 2020. Toons could start this task by talking to Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central playground.

Task Steps

  • Visit Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Return to Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Visit Fifi at Fifi's Fiddles on Alto Avenue in Mezzo Melodyland
    • Recover Some Green Sheet Metal from a Cashbot Building Anywhere (100% Chance)
  • Return to Fifi at Fifi's Fiddles on Alto Avenue in Mezzo Melodyland
  • Return to Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central Playground

Task Script

Fiddle Me This' Task Script
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Fiddle Me This' Task Script.


St. Pat's 2020 St. Patty's 2020 St. Patty's 2020 St. Pat's Lucky Tophat St. Pat's Tartan Tophat
StPats2020Shirt.png StPattys2020Shorts.png StPattys2020Skirt.png Stpatsluckytophat.png Stpatstartantophat.png