Fletcher Frederick
Fletcher Frederick is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Frederick's Fletchings and Bows located on Knight Knoll in Ye Olde Toontowne.
Fletcher Frederick is a light blue alligator who wears an orange Bottom Stripe shirt and aqua Jeans.
Story Appearances
Lawbot HQ - In the Lawbot HQ directives Fletcher Frederick appears in the following directive: Fashion Fiasco. His dialogue during this directive is as follows:
"Ah! Another customer! Welcome, welcome! What do you require?"
"A bow? That can be done! However, I must bear some bad news."
"I recently ran out of stock and the materials needed won't be delivered for quite some time."
"If you are in desperate need of a bow, I require the finest of wood!"
"I have a friend by the name of Tinothy. Go speak to him, and he shall hand you the finest wood."
After returning from Tinothy
"Ah! There it is! The finest of wood!"
"Excellent! Now I am in need of the strongest of string!"
"Perhaps a fishing line could suffice?"
"Go to the Reel Deal and talk to Blisters. The fishing lines there are of the highest quality!"
After returning from Blisters McKee
"You are back! Perfect, perfect. Now with the finest wood and the finest string, we have..."
"A bow!"
"You meant a bow tie?"
"Oh dear."
"My sincerest apologies, but I do not sell bow ties."
"This surely was a waste of your time."
"However! For your effort, you can have this bow for free."
"But if you want some bowties, you should speak with Artie. He sells all kinds of ties!"
"Best of luck my friend!"