Fool's Gold

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Fool's Gold is a task which was available during St. Patricks Day 2020. Toons could start this task by talking to Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central playground. In order to accept this task, the previous task "Fiddle Me This" was required to be completed.

Task Steps

  • Visit Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central Playground
  • Return to Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central Playground
    • Recover 4 Golden Coins from Cashbots Anywhere
  • Return to Lepp R. Khan in the Toontown Central Playground

Task Script

Fool's Gold's Task Script
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for Fool's Gold's Task Script.


St. Pat's Clover Headband