Grumpy Phil

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Grumpy Phil is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in The Frozen Nose located on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.


Grumpy Phil is a sienna cat who wears the Groucho Glasses, a red Plain shirt, and purple High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh's taskline Grumpy Phil appears in the following task: That Smelly Smell. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

That Smelly Smell

"GRR! I'm just so upset!"
"My nose is SO DARN COLD, all these Lawbots are EVERYWHERE, and "The Wizard" BAILED OUT ON US!"
"I can't STAND IT!!"
"And so what do you want now?"
"Help with frozen noses?"
"Forget it! Get out!"
"...For puppies?"
"But you gotta take down some of these Lawbot buildings, because I just can't stand this playground ever since they came in droves."
"The only reason I'm gonna do it anyway is cause my one weakness is puppies."
"But don't tell anybody!!"
"I wanna watch them fall as you take them down. Come see me after and we can work out this dog business."
"Make sure to throw the pies extra hard for me."

After defeating 3 Three+ Story Lawbot Cog Buildings

"I gotta admit, I didn't expect a Toon like you to pull off such a feat, but down they went!"
"And how sweet it was, watching those Lawbots scramble as their looming offices were taken down with tooniness."
"I'll take care of those little dog noses. But I want you to clean up the mess the Lawbots are leaving."
"Defeat fifteen of them while I head on over and work on those pups."
"One Cog for each puppy."
"The job should be done by the time you're finished. Just drop by Snooty Sinjin's after."
"Good work out there, [Toon Name]."

After defeating 15 Lawbots

"These puppies! Their sniffers are sniffing again!"
"They're almost ready to get sniffing, but they had an issue with my nose heater..."
"Their fur is all damp from melting all that ice..."
"I can't let those little pups out like that! They need to be groomed or else they'll freeze right up again!"
"Here, take them to Olive over on Arctic Avenue. He always does a great job!"
"His shop is Olive The Other Reindeer Pet Groomers."
"Keep them covered, you don't want their noses freezing over!"