Hernia Belt

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Hernia Belt is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Portable Fireplaces located on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.


Hernia Belt is a bright red duck who wears a purple Bottom Stripe shirt and a light blue Pleated skirt.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - Hernia Belt appears in the I'm Melting, I'm Melting! Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

I'm Melting, I'm Melting!

"Oh, well hello there! How are ya? Keepin' warm out there?"
"Of course ya are, it's warmer than a summer day out there, what with all that snow meltin'."
"Oh?? Here to buy a stove? Well you betcha, I got just the thing for ya!"
"It's the latest in heating technology, I'll say. Cook up your meals faster than a bolt to a tesla coil!"
"Real affordable too! It's only 10,000 beans! That's a real steal for what you're gettin' if you ask me!"
"Don't have that kinda money...? Well I can't just give my product away, yanno! I gotta make a profit somehow!"
"Need it to fix the melting snow? Well... those heatwaves HAVE been awfully bad for business..."
"I'll tell ya what, if you can clear out a couple of those nasty old Cogs on my street, then I'll let ya have the stove on the house."

After defeating some Level 6+ Cogs on Sleet Street

"Yoohoo! Welcome back! Yanno, I can tell you've done a GREAT job, I haven't seen ANY Cogs around!"
"I think you scared 'em all away!"
"Well, I'm a woman of my word alright! Here's that stove for ya, dear."
"I sure hope you can figure out what's going on! I miss the snow already."