Humid Henry
Humid Henry is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Humid Henry's Humming Humidifiers located on Almond Avenue in Acorn Acres.
Humid Henry is a yellow dog who wears a peach Plain shirt and aqua Fiery shorts.
Story Appearances
Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Humid Henry appears in the following task: Silence Is Golden. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Hey there! What do you need?"
"Buzz? There's no buzz!"
"Ohhh, wait!"
"My humidifiers!"
"Sorry, I've just been around them for so long that I've just tuned them out..."
"Yeah, those things just hum all the time, could never figure it out."
"...Is that an issue?"
"Noise complaints, huh?"
"I'm no stranger to that, unfortunately."
"But there could be a few fixes, potentially."
"I got an idea!"
"Try getting a wig from the Big Wigs. That should do the trick I would think."
"See you soon!"
After recovering A Wig from Big Wigs
"Okay, here goes nothing!"
"Hey! I think it worked!"
"The humming's gone!"
"Wow... It was really that simple all this time..."
"You did it, [Toon Name]!"
"Great work!"
"I'll have to keep my humidifiers stocked with a good wig, but it's worth it."
"Thanks for the help, I appreciate it."
"And I'm sure my neighbors do too, for that matter!"
"Have fun out there!"