Jake, King of Estates

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Jake, King of Estates is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Acorns for Acres located on Walnut Way in Acorn Acres.


Jake, King of Estates is a steel blue mouse who wears the Crown, a neon pink tinted Vampire shirt, and neon pink tinted Pirate shorts.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Jake, King of Estates appears in the following task: The Best Investments Is... His dialogue during this task is as follows:

The Best Investments Is...

"Why, who dare lay their feet upon my store's squeaky-clean floors?"
"You there, Toon. What business do you seek?"
"Preserving real estate value?"
"Why, I do say, that is a SPLENDID idea!"
"To protect our financial backing is simple!"
"Clear the streets of the wretched Cogs, and our value shall not decline."
"Impress the ever lovely Professor Pi."
"Clean the streets of its robotic curse and return once finished!"
"Good luck, young Toon."

After defeating 45 Cogs

"My good Toon, I must say you have impressed me."
"I may be a high King of Estates, but I beckon thee Jester of the streets!"
"You may proudly proclaim your newfound title to all who may listen."
"Hold your head up high. You are royalty."
"Street royalty."
"Dirty, messy, street royalty."
"Alright, thanks for the real estate help bub, now get outta my shop."
"Cya around!"