Professor Pi

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Professor Pi is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Sine and Cosine Tanning Supplies located on Peanut Place in Acorn Acres.


Professor Pi is a mint cat who wears a sea green Pocket Polo and an orange Flowers skirt.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Professor Pi appears in the following tasks: Enlisting In The Army, Its a Hard Knock Life, A Real Banquet Breaker, and It's Time. Additionally, Professor Pi also appears in the Survival Kit Builder sidetask and the I Saw What I Chain-Saw Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

Enlisting In The Army

"Hey there, [Toon Name]. I must say, you look super strong and sturdy!"
"Okay listen, I've heard the rumors going around through Toontown about a strong Toon like you."
"You look sturdy, strong, and more experienced."
"Like you've faced quite a few trials and tribulations to get to this very point."
"That's what I like, and that's what I want to see from someone like you."
"You're ready."
"Welcome to bootcamp, [Toon Name]. It's gonna be a ride."
"So let's begin."
"This will be a basic but strong bootcamp. You may not like it, but this is what we need to see in order for you to get in this army of Toons."
"You need to show prowess in defeating Cogs. Simple start, simple to prove."
"If you're strong enough, that is."
"Now go, defeat these Cogs, and come back to me. I'll be the judge of your abilities."

Its a Hard Knock Life

"Defeating Cogs, a very simple task you've just fulfilled in my eyes. Good work."
"But Cogs are just Cogs. I need you to now prove prowess in defeating Cogs of all types."
"This will be an arduous and tough task ahead, but you must achieve it."
"I'm in charge of filling this roster out for Good ol' Gil Giggles, a Toon I trust dearly. And I am not about to let him down."
"You've already gotten off to a good start here, [Toon Name]. Keep your momentum going."
"Defeat Cogs of each type, and then come back to me."
"Don't stop until you've taken down an adequate amount of each department. I'll keep my eye on my watch."
"Now go."

After defeating 35 Level 7+ Cogs

"Excellent! I truly see your growth, your potential filling out. It's motivating to see how swiftly you've completed those tasks, [Toon Name]."
"There's only a few more steps before I move you onto the next phase of your training."
"Now, I must require you to prove your prowess in the ability of Cog building busting."
"I've heard word of great work that you've accomplished alongside Lil' Oldman in this regard, but you're not working with a wizard here."
"These strong buildings may not be easy to overcome, but it's a requirement."
"Now go soldier, prove you've got what it takes to break this banquet!"

After defeating two five story Cog buildings

"Excellent. Truly excellent."
"You're ready to move onto the next step in your training, [Toon Name]."
"With every drafted Toon that's made it to this point, I assign them an officer to work with."
"Most of them work with one or another, the average crop of officers I have on hand."
"But you, you're special."
"I'm sending you to train with my right hand Toon."
"Go to the playground's headquarters and speak with Resistance Ranger Ridge."
"Beware, he may be a bit tough to get along with, but after you're done with training through him, you'll be ready to move to the final steps of preparation."
"Don't waste time now, [Toon Name]. The banquet's only getting closer minute by minute!"

A Real Banquet Breaker

"You look a little tired, [Toon Name]."
"I suppose you must've been training hard with Resistance Ranger Ridge, huh?"
"Consider me proud of you."
"Allow me to slow things down for you, as well as perhaps put a smile on your toony face again."
"As a reward for making it through your bootcamp, I've got a present for you."
"It's just a little something I'm handing out to each member for the banquet army."
"Welcome to the team, [Toon Name]!"
"I'll send it to you through the mail now, you can go check it later."
"Now, let's talk about your final step in training."
"First, I want to congratulate you in your excellence in responding, assisting, and training."
"You've gone above and beyond and you've put yourself in a fantastic place amongst the other Toons of this army."
"So there's just one final step to go. You ready for that, [Toon Name]?"
"I've been working closely with Good ol' Gil Giggles on this entire process, and we've got it down to almost an exact science."
"It's a banquet army policy at this point, practically."
"What you need to do is obtain your suit to be able to enter that banquet."
"However, we did the hard work and have suit parts to hand out at the ready."
"But we want you to learn about these Bossbots closely."
"The perfect training tool we've devised is having Toons like you enter their facilities, to study their environment, and take them down."
"So our policy is simple."
"One facility, one suit part."
"We will make exceptions for prior work in these regards though, so if you've done some work in these facilities, just let us know."
"Otherwise, your task is simple."
"We recommend you follow our pre-made course of action for optimal Bossbot experience."
"4 Silver Sprocket Cog Courses, 4 Golden Gear Cog Courses, and 2 Diamond Dynamo Cog Courses will provide you the most optimal experience."
"I must stress that you do not stray from this format, as doing any more than that in any Cog Course will not reward any valuable experience."
"Study these Cog golf course environments, and take down the Cogs as you prepare yourself for the banquet bust of a toony lifetime."
"Once you've returned, we'll give you all the parts necessary to be fully ready to bust that banquet."
"Good luck, [Toon Name]."

After assembling a Bossbot Disguise

"Congratulations, [Toon Name]. You've done it."
"You've gone above and beyond once again and you've shown you've got what it takes to join the fight in Bossbot HQ."
"You've really proven to me that I was wrong not to take you under my wing all that time ago."
"Take your suit with pride. It's yours!"
"It's time, [Toon Name]. Operation Break the Banquet is upon us!"
"On behalf of me, Gil Giggles and the Toons of the resistance, I wish you the best of luck."
"Now report to Good ol' Gil Giggles, and good luck."

It's Time.

"You did it, [Toon Name]."
"You did something that many Toons couldn't."
"You went from a new Toon absolutely fresh to Toontown, and rose through the ranks."
"From the Toon I foolishly underestimated, to this."
"A Toon that's so strong and so capable that you can take down entire heads of departments with little help!"
"You're one of the mightiest Toons of the resistance, in my eyes."
"Congratulations, [Toon Name]. On everything."
"I don't have anything else for you here. It's best you speak with Flippy from here."
"But if you ever visit the land of Acorn Acres, you're always welcome to drop by my shop for a few words."
"Or tanning supplies, if you're interested in that. I do still sell tanning supplies..."
"Good luck out there, and have a fun time here in Toontown!"

Survival Kit Builder

"Hey there! Are you here to further help out the Toon Resistance?"
"Well, we gotta prep you first. I'll start you out by..."
"Come again?"
"You need... a souvenir for the strange kiwi in the playground?"
"I'm not quite sure what I'd give them."
"I've got it! Why don't I give them one of the kits I give to new Toons who come through here."
"A Toony 'survival kit' of sorts."
"But here's the thing, [Toon Name]."
"I've fresh out of kits! And time, too."
"Too many new Toons coming through these days."
"I don't have time to put these together like I used to!"
"Could you help me gather the materials I normally use?"
"Good, good."
"Firstly, I need something to put the stuff in. Downsizers carry around the perfect briefcases."
"How about it, [Toon Name], up for the task?"

After recovering a briefcase

"Perfect! This briefcase is as sturdy as the wood growing on the trees in the playground!"
"Next, I'm going to need some sticks so that you can start a fire in case you get cold."
"It can happen, trust me!"
"I've always gotten my supply from defeating Magnates."
"Hopefully, they still have them [Toon Name]."
"I need two of them for the kit."

After recovering some sticks

"Alright! We're moving along quite swimmingly."
"Next, I'm going to need something to repair yourself with in case of an emergency."
"No, I'm not talking about Toon-Up Gags! Not enough Toons have that track anyways."
"I'm talking about a good old fashioned bandage."
"I'm also looking for a certain TYPE of bandage."
"I know Spin Doctors carry one, and Ambulance Chasers carry another!"
"I do believe that the one I'm going to be needing are from Ambulance Chasers."
"I need three of them."
"What are you doing still standing here, go get them!"

After recovering some bandages

"Perfect! I'll go ahead and put those in with the rest of the kit."
"All that's left now to complete the kit is some sort of food that may or may not have nutritional value!"
"In fact, Acorn Acres has recently opened a new trail mix shop!"
"You can get some trail mix directly from there."
"The guy who owns it is a great fella, his name is Mixer Mighty."
"Off with you!"

After returning from Mixer Mighty

"Oh hey there, [Toon Name], I assume you got the trail mix from Mighty?"
"I'm sorry, [Toon Name]. I know you didn't want to say anything."
"I don't blame you."
"The problem still stands. We need some sort of consumable food for this kit."
"Oh, I know!"
"There's a fellow on Almond Avenue by the name of Fluffy Sugartreats."
"If I can't get my trail mix, I'll need to resort to another camping staple..."
"She should be able to whip you up one or two."
"On with it!"

After returning from Fluffy Sugartreats

"Well, I'll be!"
"Alright, [Toon Name]. Putting everything together, and..."
"A handmade kit all ready for your kiwi friend."
"Give him my regards, and tell him to come join the Resistance!"
"We're always looking for more members."
"Except for the guy who thought trail mix was dirt and a pile of rocks."
"He can stay in his shop."
"Off with you!"

I Saw What I Chain-Saw

"Welcome back, [Toon Name]! It's good to see you're still standing strong."
"Oh my, you look ready for a fight. What's got you fired up?"
"You heard of an upgraded Cog lurking about, hm? Though you're unsure what they meant by "upgraded?""
"In light of this, I do have a hunch on where they might be."
"However, I will not have you rush straight there only to end up sad!"
"Prove to me that you've grown since our last encounter. You must be prepared for anything behind those doors."
"Take down one of the tallest Bossbot buildings you can find, and head straight back here. Go!"

After taking down a Six Story Bossbot Cog Building Anywhere

"Awfully quick, aren't you? And you're not ready to collapse yet!"
"You have grown after all."
"Here's what I've got: all trainees coming in have been commenting on strange noises down the street."
"They couldn't quite place it. They described it as cannon fire, but certainly not the confetti-cannon fire that we're used to!"
"This is especially concerning–what could possibly be making those kinds of noises?"
"That being said, be ready for anything. The source of the noises seems to be Cut to the Chase! Logging Co."
"Be careful, and good luck!"

Misc. Appearances

  • Professor Pi appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.

Unique Interaction Dialogue

Professor Pi has unique dialogue when attempting to interact with her. This dialogue is as follows:

  • "Prepare for combat, [Toon Name]."
  • "Are those Bossbots taken care of?"
  • "Are you here for tanning supplies, or to train?"