Acorn Acres Streets

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Acorn Acres has four streets: Legume Lane, Almond Avenue, Walnut Way, and Peanut Place. Higher level Cogs are found wandering the streets of Acorn Acres. Walnut Way is unique since it is attached to Bossbot Headquarters, making this street swarming with Bossbots.

Streets Cog Levels .exe Sellbotemblem.png Cashbotemblem.png Lawbotemblem.png Bossbotemblem.png Boardbotemblem.png
Almond Avenue 7 - 10 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 50%
Legume Lane 7 - 10 20% 0% 40% 40% 20% 0%
Peanut Place 7 - 10 20% 30% 30% 30% 0% 10%
Walnut Way 7 - 10 20% 5% 5% 5% 80% 5%

Note: Any shops listed below in bold need to be visited at some point during a Task.

Almond Avenue

Map of Almond Avenue

Almond Avenue is a dead end street.

Toon Shops:

Legume Lane

Map of Legume Lane

Legume Lane connects to Sunflower Street in Daffodil Gardens.

Toon Shops:

Peanut Place

Map of Peanut Place

Peanut Place connects to Seaweed Street in Barnacle Boatyard.

Toon Shops:

Walnut Way

Map of Walnut Way

Walnut Way connects to Bossbot Headquarters.

Toon Shops:


  • Most of these building names were winners of a naming contest from Corporate Clash's predecessor, Project Altis.
  • Almond Avenue was originally named Acorn Avenue until the v1.2.1 update, likely to separate the street name from the Neighborhood name.
    • Because it is inside of a cave, Almond Avenue is noticeably darker than every other street in the game.
  • Almond Avenue used to have unique music for both the street itself and battles taking place on the street.
    • These two themes are slowed down versions of normal Acorn Acres music with some added echo.
  • The Bossbot Clubhouse model seen on Walnut Way still has its entrance hallway from Toontown Online. This is only visible out of bounds.
The Bossbot Clubhouse model seen on Walnut Way
Almond Avenue Theme (Removed)
Almond Avenue Battle Theme (Removed)