Mother Wood

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Mother Wood is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Childwood Daycare located on Walnut Way in Acorn Acres.


Mother Wood is a cream mouse who wears a blue Dress shirt and an aqua Polka Dot skirt.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Mother Wood appears in the Easter 2020 Task: Eggcellent Delivery. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Eggcellent Delivery

"Oh, hi there [Toon Name]!"
"Diane sent you with her delivery?"
"I appreciate you doing this for her, she always stresses about having late deliveries."
"This is gorgeous, thank you so much!"
"The children here will be so happy!"
"Especially that young cat, Choppy!"
"He loves arts and crafts, so he made me this Easter outfit."
"However, it's not quite my style."
"Here, you can have it for all of your troubles!"
"Happy belated Easter!"