Smokey Woods

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Smokey Woods is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Breath of Fresh Air located on Legume Lane in Acorn Acres.


Smokey Woods is a bright red bear who wears a light blue Vest and purple Shorts with Belt.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - Smokey Woods appears in the The Side of Caution Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

The Side of Caution

"Cough, cough!"
"Quick, close the door behind you! You're letting all the dirty air in!"
"You don't happen to know what's going on around here... do you?"
"Well, somebody ought to find out."
"Do me a favor, will you? While I wait for the air to clear again, can you try to get to the bottom of this?"
"Those smog-sputtering Cogs are up to no good. Ever since they showed up, the air's been getting worse and worse!"
"I can hear my poor trees crying out! They're in pain!"
"See if you can find any evidence of what they're up to."

After recovering some notes

"Cough, cough! Come on, close the door!"
"Oh no... this is worse than I thought."
"This isn't your average polluter. There's somebody sabotaging our natural purifiers!"
"They're cutting down my beautiful trees!"
"You need to put a stop to this destruction! Destroy that Treekiller!"

After defeating the Treekiller

"Cough... sniff..."
"Hm, it's not quite back to normal yet... but I can smell it."
"That dastardly polluter is gone, isn't it!"
"The trees thank you, friend. What's left of them, at least."
"You should report back to headquarters. I've got a lot of planting to do!"