Spruce Hairtune

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Spruce Hairtune is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Pecan You Surveillance Systems located on Peanut Place in Acorn Acres.


Spruce Hairtune is a beige dog who wears a blue Plain shirt and royal blue High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Spruce Hairtune appears in the following task: Stir Crazy. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Stir Crazy

"Welcome, [Toon Name]."
"How did I know you were coming? Why, I had a camera at the ready outside my shop!"
"How do I know your name?"
"Let's ignore that part..."
"ANYWAYS, what do you need help with?"
"Oh. Undeer Cover's footage."
"Right, well..."
"I may have... left the cameras unsecured."
"So when the Cogs caught wind of the cameras... they kinda just snatched them right up."
"It wouldn't really be too big of an issue if I could receive the footage wirelessly, but..."
"It's all on film."
"But don't blame me! Blame Undeer Cover for cheaping out and going for the cheap film package!"
"I need those cameras back. If you can find them, I can give you the footage."

After recovering 5 Cameras

"There it is! Great work, [Toon Name]!"
"Just pop the film out here... and great! Take this on over to Undeer Cover!"
"Thank you again for the help."
"Oh, and good luck with your Bossbot army training!"
"...How did I know that?"
"Uh, well..."
"Undeer Cover's waiting, better not make him wait any longer!"