Undeer Cover

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Undeer Cover is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Undeer Cover Investigators located on Legume Lane in Acorn Acres.


Undeer Cover is a peach deer who wears an orange Plain shirt and orange High Pockets shorts.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Undeer Cover appears in the following task: Stir Crazy. Their dialogue during this task is as follows:

Stir Crazy

"I bet you're a Cog aren't you!"
"A filthy Cog in disguise!"
"Then prove it."
"Go outside and defeat some of them. Blow them up."
"Then I'll talk. You Cog..."

After defeating 15 Level 8+ Cogs

"Phew! You had me convinced you were one of them!"
"I might be... going a bit stir-crazy lately."
"You see, Good ol' Gil Giggles has been putting A LOT of pressure on me lately to get as much info on these Bossbots as possible..."
"They drive me crazy! CRAZY!"
"Could you just... for my sanity, defeat a few more of those kinds?"
"I'd... appreciate it. Thank you."

After defeating 20 Bossbots

"I'm feeling better already!"
"So, it just so happens that I'm ready to receive another shipment of footage to review."
"I've been working closely with Spruce Hairtune over at Pecan You Surveillance Systems on Peanut Place to study these Cogs."
"If you could, could you head over to him and pick the footage up?"
"I've had him set up cameras all around Acorn Acres to film these Cogs and study what business they may conduct."
"Thank you!"

After returning from Spruce Hairtune

"AH! COG!"
"Oh, phew! Just you again..."
"Did you get the footage?"
"Great, thank you!"
"I appreciate it, [Toon Name]. You're a really helpful pal."
"Now, you must excuse me..."
"I'm about to lock myself inside here watching each minute of the Bossbot's movement on this film for all 45 hours straight!"
"Can you tell I'm brimming with excitement?"
"Send a kind thought out for my eyes..."
"Thanks again, good luck out there!"