Irritable Ivy

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Irritable Ivy is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Did Nut See That Coming located on Legume Lane in Acorn Acres.


Irritable Ivy is a lavender dog who wears a maroon Lightning Bolt shirt and sea green Feather shorts.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Irritable Ivy appears in the following task: Or Your Money Back. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Or Your Money Back

"Oh please no... not another claim..."
"Oh great! Boy, can I use your help!"
"I've got claims all over the place! Cogs stealing things, stepping on toes, rough battling, and so much more..."
"I can't waste any time, I need the help!"
"Let's start with Little Ol' Miss Johansson's filing."
"She's said here that Bossbots stormed her estate, and on the way out a Corporate Raider snatched up her Marc Corncobs designer purse!"
"The poor old lady."
"So please, I need you to go out right away, and get her purse back!"
"Thank you so much, [Toon Name]!"

After recovering A Purse from Corporate Raiders

"There it is! It even still has the Marc Corncobs label on it!"
"Oh, Miss Johansson will be so pleased!"
"I'll hand it over to her the next time she scoots on down with her "premium white-gold trim scooter" to retrieve it."
"She's pretty daring, you can see her popping wheelies on that bad-boy driving around Acorn Acres!"
"Okay, so next claim."
"Mother Wood's been demanding an insurance payout ever since she's had noisy Cogs waking up the sleeping little Toons in her daycare center."
"Listen, [Toon Name]. You can't argue with an angry mother, or daycare center owner, for that matter!"
"Her insurance covers up to 20 Cogs."
"I'll allow you to defeat any of the Cogs here in Acorn Acres..."
"But let's try to make sure those buildings are taken down near Mother Wood."
"And don't wake the babies while you're at it!"

After defeating 20 Cogs

"Great work! Now maybe Mother Wood will get some peace and quiet with the sleeping little tykes."
"And hopefully I won't need to dodge any other sandals being thrown my way when she's denied a claim!"
"Okay, last claim that I could really use help on..."
"I need you to go see Mechanic Mike. His shop is Nuts & Bolts here on Legume Lane."
"I've tried to make sense of what he's saying but... he's not easy to understand..."
"If you can go and help him out, I'll get the rest covered from here."
"Thank you so much!"