Duke Lancelot

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Duke Lancelot is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Deer and Doe Construction Co. located on Walnut Way in Acorn Acres.


Duke Lancelot is a slate blue deer who wears a lime Peplum shirt and a blue Pleated skirt.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres' taskline Duke Lancelot appears in the following task: Crazy Construction Time. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Crazy Construction Time

"Hello, I presume you're the volunteer Resistance Ranger Ridge told me he'd send over. Great."
"Let's cut to the chase."
"I'm jealous of that Builder Bob, and his really crazy dynamite..."
"I have to overtake him and make sure Deer and Doe Construction Co. are the biggest and hottest name in construction!"
"Here's what I want you to do."
"Builder Bob uses any metal plates he can find from Cogs, but that's the easy way."
"I want you to get me metal plates from Boardbots. Think about it."
"Board...bots. They clearly must be sturdier and more superior!"
"Once you got them let me know, I'm going to build a fantastic play area that anyone would be jealous of!"

After recovering 5 Shiny Metal Plates from Boardbots

"Excellent. My play area will come to fruition, and Builder Bob will be so jealous!"
"In fact, why not show it off."
"Go talk to him, show him how impressive Deer and Doe Construction Co. can be!"
"Thanks for the help, pal."
"See you around."

Misc. Appearances

  • Leading up to the Toonsmas 2020 event, numerous letters to Santa Paws from Toons around Toontown were shown off on the Corporate Clash Twitter. One of these letters, written by Builder Bob, mentions Duke Lancelot.