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Ridge is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in the Toon HQ located in the Acorn Acres playground.


Ridge is a green horse who wears the Resistance Ranger outfit.

Story Appearances

Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres's taskline Ridge appears in the following tasks: First Impressions, Or Your Money Back, Stir Crazy, Crazy Construction Time, Help The Needy, Silence Is Golden, The Best Investments Is..., All Rise, and Surprise Supplies Check! His dialogue during these tasks is as follows:

First Impressions

"Oh, hey, I bet you're here for training. You're probably looking for Lilac, judging by the looks of you."
"Ha, consider me surprised."
"Well, I guess I'll train you, if that's what Pi wants."
"Our training regime is one that we faced when becoming officers of this headquarters."
"I'll be having you do tasks for, and with, the people of Acorn Acres, and it won't be easy."
"But it will leave you totally shredded, like me."
"See these pecs? These biceps? Nice, right?"
"Prepare to do some heavy lifting. You're about to be doing a lot of work."
"So let's see..."
"Ah, yes. Irritable Ivy is always tough work."
"He runs Did Nut See That Coming! Insurance Agency over on Legume Lane."
"He's always having to fulfil claims from Toons with Cog insurance, and it can be tough work."
"Good luck. It's on your hands now."

Or Your Money Back

"Took you long enough."
"But... nice job."
"Now, I got a good one for you."
"Ever since Good ol' Gil Giggles started stirring things up here it's caused a few Toons to go a bit... crazy."
"None more than Undeer Cover."
"They've been locked up investigating Bossbots for a while now."
"And at this point you can't even get inside that shop without being forced to do some work..."
"Good luck, you'll want it."

Stir Crazy

"Welcome back."
"About to fall to your knees in exhaustion yet?"
"Great! Cause you'll want to after all this physical labor you're about to do."
"I want you to visit one of the most respected builders in all of Toontown."
"My personal best friend, Builder Bob."
"You see, Builder Bob has been in a competition of sorts lately, and he's trying to stay on top as the biggest and best builder."
"So I volunteered your services to help out."
"Better get to building!"
"His shop is Walnut Built Yet over on Peanut Place."

Crazy Construction Time

"Great work. Truly inspiring."
"Not really, though."
"Okay, maybe just a little..."
"Let's do some real charity work."
"One thing Professor Pi all had us do was contribute to a good cause."
"So, I want you to go see Walnut William at Toons in a Nutshell Housing Solutions over on Legume Lane."
"Help him set up preparations for brand new housing for the Toons of Acorn Acres."
"Good luck, and lift with your knees, not your back."

Help The Needy

"You genuinely helped people. Feel proud about that."
"Alright, enough time being proud."
"Next task. I'm sending you to Humid Henry."
"I'm sending you here not because it's a lot of work or anything, but because honestly it's just straight up annoying."
"His humidifiers hum constantly, and even walking near Almond Avenue gives you a sample of that awful noise."
"Go find out what's wrong with those machines, and fix them."

Silence Is Golden

"For the first time in history, I can actually say I appreciate the work you've done."
"My ears are saved."
"Onto the next task for you!"
"One thing we must always try to do as officers of the lovely Acorn Acres is to keep the streets clean and the value high."
"So I want you to assist us on this."
"Do it like you mean it, too."
"Head on over to Jake, King of Estates at his shop Acorn for Acres Realtors on Walnut Way."
"Speak to him and assist him in ways that keep our streets clean and our property values optimal."
"Off you go."

The Best Investments Is...

"You look a little dirty there, [Toon Name]. You been playing around in the mud?"
"Well, regardless, get over it because you're on your last task before you prove yourself."
"This is the harshest task you'll face."
"But not just any judgement."
"Forced judgement, judgement that'll always go against you, one you don't agree with, but can't fight."
"That's right."
"Judge Judybeans."
"Gather yourself, get ready, and go face your judgement."
"Her shop is Lawn and Order Courthouse on Walnut Way."
"Good luck. You'll need it."

All Rise

"You... got past Judge Judybeans' rulings that quickly?"
"Gee, that's kind of impr-"
"I mean... totally normal and totally un-cool."
"I just uh..."
"I just got one last thing for you, surprisingly."
"It's a gag check, to see if you're where you should be by now."
"Just uh, just bring me a level 8 gag from one of your tracks, that's all that's required as of right now."
"I'll see you soon."

Surprise Supplies Check!

"Wow, sure enough, there it is..."
"Good work, [Toon Name]."
"I gotta admit, I'm proud of you."
"I'm pretty harsh on people, and I try not to let anyone get past that."
"I kind of expect people to fail to live up to my expectations, so I put them through the ringer."
"But you... rose up and knocked it out of the park."
"I just gotta say, I'm happy to be on your side, honestly."
"You helped out a lot of the Toons of Acorn Acres, and you've proven yourself worthy."
"All I can tell you is to report back to Professor Pi. You're done with the second stage of your training."
"Congratulations, [Toon Name]. Welcome to the banquet breaking army of the Toon Resistance."
"I'll see you around... partner."