Tumbles is an NPC Toon who was introduced in the v1.2.0 Update to grant players new Sidetasks that award poses for Toon Profiles. He can be found traveling around in any playground depending on how much of his story has been completed. After his taskline is completed, he will have a random chance to spawn whenever a playground is loaded in.
Tumbles is a steel blue kiwi who wears Outback Sunnyglasses, the Outback backpack, and an outfit unique to him made up of a green shirt, yellow shorts, and some socks and red sandals.
Story Appearances
Toontown Central - In Toontown Central Tumbles appears in the New Toony Tourist sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Yeah maaaaaaan, how's it going pal?"
"Say, you're a tourist too, right?"
"Just moved here? Then come enjoy the sights with me!"
"Too busy with the 'Toon Resistance', huh?"
"Well, that's no reason why you can't enjoy yourself!"
"Just look around here, the heart of Toontown, it's so exciting!"
"It's just so hard to decide what to do first..."
"Wait, I know! There's a library nearby! Could you see if they have any travel guides there?"
"I'll just wait here, watching the beautiful butterflies..."
After getting the travel guide
"Oh, fantastic! You're back!"
"Given how this is just a stack of torn pages, I'm guessing you ran into some trouble trying to get that guide."
"I'm sorry about that! I can defintely make it up to you though!"
"It's a lot of fun to take photos, so I do it all the time. I'd love to take a photo of you as your reward!"
"Unfortunately, I just ran out of film..."
"I hate to ask for another favor, but could you ride the trolley for me?"
"For some reason, there seems to be a lot of unused boxes of film along the trolley tracks..."
"Can't imagine what those could have been used for, but I'm not complaining.
"I'd do it myself, but those steps on the trolley look scary, don't question it."
After riding the trolley
"Wow, you are so nice! This should last me a while."
"Lemme just put this in..."
"There we go!"
"Ready to get your picture taken? Strike a pose!"
"It'll take a moment to develop, but here's your photo!"
"Anyways, I'll be heading out to check out the other parts of town."
"If you see me around, don't hesistate to say hello!"
Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard Tumbles appears in the Swimming Kiwi sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Yeah maaaaaaan, how's it going? Exploring the docks as well I assune?"
"I just love the water, something about it is so calming."
"I'd love to go for a swim myself, but I forogt to pack a pair of my trusty swimming goggles."
"I've seen some Cogs around town that have those neat looking goggles..."
"I think I've heard some Toons call them Conveyancers?"
"If you find one of these Cogs could you try and get a pair of their goggles for me? I really want to take a swim!"
After recovering a pair of goggles
"Oh hey! You found a pair of goggles?"
"These are a bit of a bland grey color, the pair I had at home were blue, but these should work quite swimmingly!"
"Alright [Toon Name], let's dive in!"
"Wait a second..."
"I'd hate to trouble you again."
"But it seems that I have forgotten my sunscreen as well!"
"If I don't wear it, I'll be as red as a fire hydrant!"
"I overheard some ducks earlier saying that they were able to get some from this shop called The Reel Deal here in Barnacle Boatyard."
"Could you possibly find that shop and see if they have any sunscreen, make sure to tell them I need something around 95SPF..."
"I'm kinda sensitive to the sun. It's embarassing to say the least."
After returning from Blisters Mckee
"Totally nautical, dude!"
"Alright, I'm all ready! Surf's up!"
After going for a swim
"That was awesome, I was able to find a few seashells too! These will be perfect for my collection!"
"As you were diving into the water, I was able to get a picture of you! I'm sure you can add it as your Profile in your Shtickerbook!"
"See ya around, [Toon Name]!"
Ye Olde Toontowne - In Ye Olde Toontowne Tumbles appears in the The Golden Penny sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Hey maaaaaaan, great to see you again! I was just getting some pictures of this rad wishing well."
"You wouldn't happen to have a spare coin on you so I can make a wish, would ya?"
"No? Bummer..."
"Say, I overheard some Toons talking 'bout these dull skyscrapers full of cash! I wonder if you could find one in there!"
After obtaining a golden penny
"You got some change, [Toon Name]? Hand it over maaaaaaan."
"Woah, look at this golden penny bro, it must be ancient!"
"I wonder if the elders who passed by earlier know anything about it."
"It could be worth a thousand pennies maaaaaaan, think of all the camera film I could wish for with that!"
After returning from Merlin Ambrice
"Hey maaaaaaan! What'd they say, will the coin bring me great luck?"
"It's... a chocolate coin?"
"Wow, this must be my lucky day!"
"I'm kinda bummed the coin won't bring me any luck nor grant my wishes, but who doesn't like candy?"
"Besides, all this photography was making me hungry! I couldn't have wished for a better treat!"
"However, before I eat this, I should probably give ya something for your troubles."
"Here's a picture I snapped of you earlier."
"You looked like you were doing some cool magic so I just had to take a picture!"
"Be sure to add it to your profile! See ya later, maaaaaaan!"
Daffodil Gardens - In Daffodil Gardens Tumbles appears in the Wedding Planner sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Hey, maaaaaaan. I'm here in the Gardens today for some fresh smells and flowers."
"I've been communicating with the locals here, and it looks like some folks are about to get married."
"I've been wanting to help them out, but I've been really busy."
"Say, [Toon Name], could you help out the wedding?"
"Really? Thanks!"
"First and foremost, the groom happened to lose his suit,
"Something about suddenly finding themselves too chunky for their old suit."
"We need to get him a new one made. Vine Green is definitely your guy."
"He owns Vine and Dandy Menswear on Daisy Drive. Go give him a ring."
"I'm counting on you, [Toon Name]."
After returning from Vine Green
"Hey, maaaaaaan. Now that is a beautiful tuxedo. I'll be sure to get that to the groom."
"Next, the bride has lost her ring! People like me are quite clumsy, you know."
"You should be able to get a new one quite easily."
"Tammy Tuber makes rings and other jewelry, go ahead and go to 14-Carrot Jewelers."
"At least, I'm fairly certain that she doesn't make her jewelry out of actual carrots..."
After finding the tiara
"Hey maaaaaaan, fantastic! You've really been a giant savior for the wedding."
"I think I was able to snap a good picture of you running around all over the place helping out the folks here."
"I've added it to your collection. Thanks for the help, maaaaaaan!"
Mezzo Melodyland - In Mezzo Melodyland Tumbles appears in the Piano Player sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Yeah, maaaaaaan! Great to see you again, [Toon Name]!"
"There's nothing like hearing beautiful music to brighten your day!"
"You know what would make this day totally rad? If I could play some music! Perhaps a piano?"
"Not something like the one by the pond over there... That's way too big to play well."
"Hey, that gives me an idea! How about you bring me a piano?"
"I would get one myself... but they can be kinda heavy. I'd surely fall down one of those giant trumpets!"
"I'm sure there's a piano shop here somewhere, find one, and see if you can get a piano for me!"
After obtaining a piano
"Awesome, maaaaaaan! Let me give it a try!"
"Bummer, this is really out of tune!"
"Hmm... I have been hearing some really good piano from the fishing pond."
"Perhaps there's something in there causing that perfect tone!"
"You should try and fish out whatever's making that perfect sound, perhaps that could really tune this piano!"
After fishing up a Piano Tuna
"Toontastic! This should do the trick! Let's start the music!"
"You should play a few notes of your own! Try picking up some that are laying around for inspiration!"
After collecting 10 treasures
"Bravo! Those were some sick piano skills, maaaaaaan."
"I should snap another picture of you to remember this moment!"
"However, I ran out of film just a little while ago while touring the playground..."
"Maybe you could retrieve some from one of those large Cogs with the giant stache!"
"They look like they're always ready for a picture, they've got to have some spare film!"
After collecting a roll of film
"And... smile!"
"Bravo! Thank you for all your help [Toon Name]! I hope you love this photo as much as I do!"
The Brrrgh - In The Brrrgh Tumbles appears in the Gathering Warmth sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Hey, maaaaaaan! What's up? I was just out here admiring this awesome snow."
"It's great, isn't it? I could watch it fall for days on end!"
"But y'know, what I think Toons here in The Brrrgh really need?"
"Some gears to keep warm!"
"Come to think of it, those Cogs never complain about the cold. I bet they have exactly what I'm looking for!"
"Would you be willing to help out?"
"Whatever's keeping them warm is probably stored inside those massive buildings of theirs!"
"See what you can find in those buildings, and I'll totally make it worth your while!"
After collecting some warm items
"Welcome back, maaaaaaan! Did you take down those buildings?"
"Ooh! Let's see what we've got here..."
"A jacket and a scarf! Not bad! I just feel like we're missing something..."
"Of course, an ice cap! All Toons in The Brrrgh need to keep their heads nice and warm!"
"Why don't you speak with Balding Benjy at Polar Ice Caps? I saw his store on the way here!"
"I just need a single ice cap, and we'll be set!"
After returning from Balding Benjy
"Welcome back! Did you get the ice cap?"
"Hey, awesome! Thanks, maaaaaaan! I think I'm just about ready to..."
"Wait, how could I forget! Boots! I need some boots!"
"How's a Toon supposed to walk through all this snow without some sturdy boots?"
"I'm willing to bet that some of the stronger Cogs have only the finest clothes!"
"Heck, maybe even footwear designed for snow like this!"
"If you could get me some of their boots, that'd be amazing!"
After collecting some boots
"You're back! Did you get the boots?"
"Yo! These are awesome! Perfect for snowy exploration!"
"You've been a MASSIVE help. It's only fair that I return the favor..."
"Haha! Relax, maaaaaaan. I was simply joking!"
"You know, that face you made just now was pretty funny. In fact, I just so happened to snap a picture of it!"
"Why don't you take it? It'll remind you of our time together here in The Brrrgh!"
"Thank you so much for the help, dude! I hope to see you again sometime soon!"
Acorn Acres - In Acorn Acres Tumbles appears in the Survival Kit Builder sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Hey, maaaaaaan. Good to see 'ya again."
"I'm here in Acorn Acres this time, and lemme tell you something."
"It's beautiful!"
"I could do more than take a holiday here in the future."
"How much have you heard about the local culture?"
"The little mouse fellow at the HQ tells me they're prepping for some sort of war against the Bossbots."
"But you know me, I'm all for sights and sounds."
"And don't let me forget about those souvenirs!"
"Lemme tell ya, I'd love for something from this place to take home with me."
"How about this? You get me something cool, and I'll give you a pose for your profile."
"You should talk to the town hotshot, Professor Pi."
"She might have something cool for me."
After returning from Professor Pi
"Hey, maaaaaaan. Good to see ya again."
"A kit? Wowie. What's all in here?"
"Oh wow, this is super cool stuff" The folks here are truly one of a kind."
"I should give you something to reward your efforts."
"You now have access to the 'Greened' profile pose."
"I've heard it's in respect to those Toons who Professor Pi used to enlist right out of the Boatyard."
"Those with barely any experience to their name."
"I'll be around, as always, enjoying the locals."
"Cya, [Toon Name]."
Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland Tumbles appears in the Camera Repair sidetask. His dialogue during this task is as follows:
"Hey, maaaaaaan... I'm here in Drowsy Dreamland now, and everything's quite the opposite of fine."
"You won't believe it, but I accidentally dropped my camera and now it's pretty broken."
"And I have no idea where to start when it comes to fixing it."
"Everything around here is kinda fuzzy with how tired I am after traveling for so long."
"I think I saw a repair shop down Lullaby Lane, mind taking my camera down there to see if they can help fix it?"
"Thanks in advance, maaaaaaaan."
After returning from Charlie Chamberpot
"Maaaaaaan, why does my camera smell so bad?"
"Oh, it's fixed? Thank you thank you thank you!"
"I don't know what I would do without my trusty camera, it's been with me throughout this entire journey!"
"I took this photo before I dropped my camera, maybe you can find some inspiration in it!"
"I've been around every playground in Toontown now..."
"However, I'll still be traveling around to see what else there is to discover about this place."
"Who knows? I might find something super exciting!"
"Don't forget to say hi if you see me around!"
"Thanks for tagging along with me, [Toon Name]!"
Misc. Appearances
- Tumbles' first appearance was in the Backstage Corporate Clash: The v1.1.0 Update blog post on the Corporate Clash website where concept art of him was shown off.
- Tumbles can be somewhat seen at the end of the 9th Corporate Clash Comic Hired Help
- Tumbles appears in the art for the Backstage Corporate Clash: The v1.2.0 Update blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
- Tumbles is mentioned by Turnkey in the Turkey Toons Are Back For A Limited Time! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
- Tumbles is mentioned briefly in the Celebrating National Beach Day With... Snow? blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
- Tumbles appears in a short comic posted on the Corporate Clash Twitter.
Unique Interaction Dialogue
Tumbles has unique dialogue when attemtping to interact with him. This dialogue is as follows:
- "Hey, maaaaaaan"
- "Ay, how are ya?"
- "How can I help ya, maaaaaaan?"
- "What's new, pal?"
- "Got something?"
- "Toontown looks righteous! Have ya noticed the scenery?"
- Tumbles is the only Toon to be present in a task in all 8 of the game's main playgrounds.
- In the early days of his time in the game, Tumbles could still speak to players even if he wasn't visibly there if they ran into where he would usually spawn.
- During the Toonsmas 2021 event, Tumbles was trapped in a pile of snow in Barnacle Boatyard due to where he's normally positioned. He was given an expression similar to when Toons fall asleep in The Brrrgh and special interaction dialogue to reflect this.
- Tumbles' interaction dialogue in this state was as follows:
- "H-h-hey maaaaaaan."
- "Trrrrr.. it's s-so cold..."
- "W-w-what's new, pal?"
- "G-g-got something?"
- Due to the game not going down until a little under a day after the end of the event to properly remove some of the Toonsmas aspects, Tumbles could also be seen freezing despite not being in the snow pile for a brief while.
- Tumbles' interaction dialogue in this state was as follows:
Artwork of Tumbles and Bay T. Tester featured in a Blog Post
Artwork of Tumbles featured in another Blog Post