Kudos Board

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The Toontown Central Kudos Board

Kudos Boards are bulletin boards set up in each of the 8 main Playgrounds of Toontown. Kudos Boards host a variety of optional ToonTasks called Kudos Tasks. Upon reaching a Playground's Taskline, Toons will be able to complete Ranks 1-5 on the board. Upon completion of the Playground's Taskline, the remaining 5 Ranks will be unlocked.

Each Playground's board has a ranking system tied to it that grants Toons special benefits and rewards as they increase their rank. A total of 12 tasks are available on each board (for 96 tasks total) and will rotate every 3 hours. Tasks found on the Kudos Board are randomly generated and are consistent between all Toons in the game.

Kudos Tasks

Kudos Tasks in Drowsy Dreamland

Completing a Kudos Task will give experience towards a player's Kudos Rank, as well as Jellybeans and Toon Experience. Kudos Tasks can have a significantly wide variety of objectives required to complete them including defeating Cogs, performing certain actions in Cog Boss fights, earning Gag XP, participating in certain Activities, playing Picnic Games, and much more. Kudos Tasks can be deleted, returning them back to the Kudos Board (unless that Kudos Board has reset after obtaining the Task).

Kudos Tasks come in 3 tiers:
Kudos Bronze.png Bronze Kudos Tasks: rewards 1 Kudos XP
Kudos Silver.png Silver Kudos Tasks: rewards 2 Kudos XP
Kudos Gold.png Gold Kudos Tasks: rewards 3 Kudos XP

Kudos Tasks typically range in difficulty and give more Jellybeans and Toon Experience depending on the tier and Playground of the Task, with higher tier Tasks and later Playgrounds providing higher difficulty. Kudos Tasks will only have one requirement or step per Task. These tasks will appear with their designated ribbon while in your Tasks slots.

Kudos Ranks

Every playground has a rank tied to its Kudos Board that can be increased by completing Kudos Tasks. In order to increase your rank, Kudos Tasks must be completed in order to gain enough XP to progress to the next rank. Once enough XP has been obtained, a Rank-Up Task must be completed to progress to the next rank. The rewards and XP requirements for each rank are as follows:

Rank XP Required To Reach Reward
Rank 1 None None
Rank 2 8 XP Required +1 Playground Gag XP
Rank 3 9 XP Required (17 Total) 15% Gag Discount
+1 HQ Gumball Booster
Rank 4 10 XP Required (27 Total) Nameplate & Background
Rank 5 12 XP Required (39 Total) Profile Pose
+6 Playground Healing
Rank 6 14 XP Required (53 Total) 30% Gag Discount
+1 HQ Gumball Booster
Rank 7 15 XP Required (68 Total) +1 Playground Gag XP
Rank 8 16 XP Required (84 total) Nametag Font
+6 Playground Healing
Rank 9 18 XP Required (102 Total) 50% Gag Discount
+1 HQ Gumball Booster
Rank 10 20 XP Required (122 Total) +1 Max Laff
Post Rank 10 10 XP Required 20 - 70 Gumballs

Note: +1 HQ Gumball Booster' unlocks one of the Booster slots in that Playground's G.U.M.B.A.L.L. Machine.

Rank-Up Tasks

The Brrrgh's Rank 7→8 Task

Once a Toon has reached enough Kudos XP, they'll need to speak with one of the NPC Toons in that Playground's Toon HQ to pick up a Rank-Up Task. Rank-Up Tasks have multi-step processes required to complete it and reach the next Kudos Rank. Once a Rank-Up Task has been picked up, the Toon will enter a Rank Overflow. During Rank Overflow, Toons will still be able to pick up Kudos Tasks up until they have enough Tasks to put them within 3 XP of the next Rank. Once at this point, Toons will no longer be able to pick up additional Kudos Tasks. Every Playground's fourth Rank-Up (Rank 4 → 5) task will require Toons to defeat their respective Street Manager and the ninth Rank-Up Task (Rank 9 → 10) will require them to defeat that Playground's Kudos Manager. Unlike Kudos Tasks, Rank-Up Tasks are not randomly generated. Deleting a Rank-Up task will require the Task to be completely redone.

Toontown Central

Rank Task
1→2 Taking Out The Trash
2→3 Panic! At the Discount
3→4 Give and Cake
4→5 The Mysterious Duck
5→6 Easy As Pie In The Sky
6→7 An Oldie but a Goodie
7→8 Double Coil and Trouble
8→9 Scraping News
9→10 Brainiacs in the Basement
10+ +20 Gumballs Gumballs.png

Barnacle Boatyard

Rank Task
1→2 Are You Squidding Me?
2→3 Sandcastle Savings
3→4 Silverware Sting
4→5 Salt, Pepper, Paprika
5→6 Stopping the Scuttlebutt
6→7 Huge Oppor-tuna-ty
7→8 7th Layer Wrapping Paper
8→9 Barbarian Barbara
9→10 A Misty Mystery
10+ +25 Gumballs Gumballs.png

Ye Olde Toontowne

Rank Task
1→2 Reinforced Training
2→3 Box Machina
3→4 Doodragon Festival
4→5 At The Gate
5→6 Good Toons or Bad Toons?
6→7 Unsweet Tooth
7→8 Fishing Fiasco
8→9 The Royal Grail
9→10 Looming Lawbot
10+ +30 Gumballs Gumballs.png

Daffodil Gardens

Rank Task
1→2 Forecast Fallacy
2→3 Ant Stop Me Now
3→4 Groovy Paintings
4→5 Ringing the Right Bell
5→6 Floral Fisticuffs
6→7 Top-Notch Tuft Toons
7→8 Quaking and Breaking
8→9 Miss-ting Mail
9→10 The Couch Slouch
10+ +35 Gumballs Gumballs.png

Mezzo Melodyland

Rank Task
1→2 Networking?
2→3 Banker Besties
3→4 Rocked Out
4→5 Cookie Conundrum
5→6 Fools Brass
6→7 Bach in Business
7→8 Phonic Phraudulence
8→9 Musical Monstrosity
9→10 Let's Dance!
10+ +40 Gumballs Gumballs.png

The Brrrgh

Rank Task
1→2 Tour De Brrrgh
2→3 Slippery Circuit!
3→4 Paula's Parent Present Party
4→5 I'm Melting, I'm Melting!
5→6 Snowglobal Emergency!
6→7 Art for Auntie
7→8 Soup Served Sad
8→9 Keeping Cool
9→10 Joining The System
10+ +50 Gumballs Gumballs.png

Acorn Acres

Rank Task
1→2 Beanevolent Mr. Bean
2→3 Easy Elementary Earnings
3→4 Perilous Party Preparations
4→5 The Side of Caution
5→6 Dendrochrojewelry
6→7 Pet A'tree'ciation
7→8 Nathan's Nutrition
8→9 Nuthing to Sneeze At
9→10 I Saw What I Chain-Saw
10+ +60 Gumballs Gumballs.png

Drowsy Dreamland

Rank Task
1→2 Professor Problem's Peril
2→3 Quiet Hours
3→4 Candy Conundrum
4→5 Make Your Bed And Lie In It
5→6 What Night is It?
6→7 No Time for Beauty Sleep
7→8 Doze Were Mine!
8→9 So Easy, You Could Do It In Your Sleep!
9→10 Give it a Rest!
10+ +70 Gumballs Gumballs.png


  • Prior to its removal in an unknown update, it was possible to get Level 9+ Tier 4 Cogs tasks from the Kudos Board, a feat that is normally impossible.
  • There are some department-related tasks that need to defeated in a street that doesn't normally spawn them in (Lawbots in Baritone Boulevard, for example).
    • They are still able to be completed under the right Cog Invasion.
