Mr. Sandman

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Mr. Sandman is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Mr. Sandman's Dream Delivery located on Twilight Terrace in Drowsy Dreamland.


Mr. Sandman is a maroon fox who wears a bright red Button-Up shirt and orange Jean shorts.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Mr. Sandman appears in the following task: Bring Us A Dream. His dialogue during this task is as follows:

Bring Us A Dream

"Oh... all my dreams are so alone..."
"I have nobody for them to call their own!"
"I try my best to turn on my magic beam, but this old sandman can't bring any Toons a dream..."
"This old sandman just isn't spirited like he used to be..."
"First the Cogs came, but that didn't stop me from turning on my magic beam and sharing a bit of sand."
"Then they got stronger, and stronger, and even stronger..."
"Until the point that I just couldn't take it anymore. This old sandman's sand is out of business!"
"The only way to get this dream delivery going again is to instill some spirit in this old sandman standing before you."
"But it'll be quite the challenge, I must say."
"If you defeat some of the strongest Cogs I've seen, I may just be able to get my magic beam working again."
"But until then, I'll be playing in a mere pile of sand."

After defeating 15 Level 11+ Cogs

"All those strong Cogs, taken down by yourself?"
"I must say, that really does put some spirit back into this old sandman!"
"Now I just need to literally get my magic beam running again!"
"It's just an old porjector, but the Cogs tore it up one day and took the vital parts from it."
"It was one of those stronger Cogs that took it..."
"One of those Robber Barons!"
"No wait... It was a Mr. Hollywood!"
"If you can go and get my projector parts back, we'll be ready to go!"

After recovering Some Magic Beam Projector Parts from Mr. Hollywoods

"That's it! I'll pop the parts in and this old magic beam will be raring to go!"
"Anyways, thank you for helping instill the spirit within this old sandman once more, and for helping me deliver some dreams!"
"Have some sand for your journey. If you ever want to take a nap, just toss a little on the noggin. You'll be catching Zzz's in no time!"
"This old Sandman's gonna bring Toons a dream!"