Nona Seeya

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Nona Seeya is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Vanishing Cream located on Loopy Lane in Toontown Central. She is a Vanished Shopkeeper as indicated by her nametag.


Nona Seeya is a cream duck with the Invisible Cheesy Effect. She wears a lavender Plain shirt and the Blue-Green Star skirt.

Story Appearances

Toontown Central - Nona Seeya appears in the Cream-Be-Gone Sidetask. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:


"You, visible Toon, can you help me out?"
"I've finally whipped up the perfect vanishing cream, as you may be able to tell!"
"Ever since this stunning feat my cream's been FLYING off the shelves, and I'm all out of product!"
"Help me whip up another batch and I'll give you a huge supply for you to be invisible just like me!"
"The first ingredient is ink. The ink is vital to the cream's solution!"
"The Lawbots have the most ink in their builds naturally."
"Ink first, and then we can continue with other ingredients!"

After recovering some Samples of Ink

"Plenty of ink, good work, [Toon Name]!"
"Now, I need something to really thicken it up."
"In fact, I think you could fish up some bags of salt from the playground."
"Those Toons drop them in there all the time trying to get some of those rare fish!"
"Bring it back and I'll thicken it up!"

After fishing up some Bags of Salt

"That's it, alright!"
"Now I just need something to hold all these ingredients while I mix it up!"
"Some of those stronger Cogs around town have some plastic containers, I believe."
"While I gather up some of the other secret ingredients, I want you to get them for me, and then I'll mix it all up!"
"Thanks, [Toon Name]!"

After recovering some Plastic Containers

"Oh these are excellent!"
"Okay, so now you must step out. I have a proprietary mix of ingredients and a maxing technique that's unique to me."
"Defeat some more of those Cogs, check back in a while. I'll have this vanishing cream whipped up and ready!"

After defeating 10 Cogs

"Thanks for all the help, [Toon Name]!"
"Now I'm gonna have a nice batch for people to swoop in and pick up!"
"And of course, here's a sample for you."
"Just apply it topically whenever you're feeling like you want to be a little less visible!"
"Have fun!"


  • Prior to v1.2.6 update, when encountered in the Match Game it was possible to see Nona Seeya without the Invisible Cheesy Effect.
