Professor Pearl

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Professor Pearl is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in School Of Fish Tutoring located on Anchor Avenue in Barnacle Boatyard.


Professor Pearl is a lavender cat who wears the unobtainable Toontask Complete #2 shirt and the Pink Bow skirt.

Story Appearances

Barnacle Boatyard - In Barnacle Boatyard's taskline, Professor Pearl appears in the following task: First Day of School! Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

First Day of School!

"Hey there! Welcome to the finest tutoring class this side of the ocean!"
"What ocean, you say?"
"Oh my, you really do need some tutoring, don't you?"
"Oh, you're here to help me in preparing a curriculum for tutoring Cog battling strategy?"
"I'm glad to hear that!"
"Well, no time to waste! Let's get started. I'll grab the pencils."
"That is indeed a problem..."
"I can't seem to find my pencils anywhere as a matter of fact."
"Okay, critical thinking Pearl... what would be the most logical solution..."
"Oh yes! There were some of those Cogs roaming around that looked exactly like pencils!"
"If you could go defeat them and bring back several pencils, we could get to work right away!"

After recovering 3 Pencils from Pencil Pushers

"Perfect! These pencils will do just fine."
"Number two pencils in fact, just the right grade of pencil!"
"So, we can't write these tutorials ourselves, we're gonna need more help."
"I'd have you go and reach out to Professor Plank here in Barnacle Boatyard, but I already know the outcome."
"That's called deductive reasoning, [Toon Name]!"
"Or assumptions, if you want to be blatant about it..."
"Either way, Professor Plank presses the use of learning through reading."
"There's plenty of published books on the proper Cog busting etiquette that made their way into my hands."
"But those blasted blue colored Cogs came in and swooped them all up. Perhaps for legal reasons."
"Just some more deductive reasoning!"
"Go ahead and see if you can nab them back. That way we can get these tutorials going!"

After recovering 2 Books from Lawbots

"These are perfect, nice and properly bound, clean blank pages, this will do nicely."
"From here I'll work on writing up the best resources I can put on paper."
"Maybe I'll even include a thing or two about the ocean for you, haha."
"Wait... You really don't know the ocean, do you?"
"Well, thank you for all your help. Us professors of Barnacle Boatyard will begin taking it from here."
"Tell the toons back at the Toon Headquarters that you've done a stellar job here!"