Talk:Cog Disguises

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Disguise Parts' Flavour Text

When moused over, most of the parts have unique flavour text that appear, but only when you're missing that part. Some of this seems kinda important for suit functionality lore stuff

I have no idea how to work with wikis though, so I think I'm just gonna leave these here for now.

(I have screenshots of them if needed, but when I tried to upload them, they didn't seem to go through.....)

Feet - "It's a foot, or is it a shoe? It seems to be both."

Lower Legs - "The left/right load-bearing portion of the suit. Unsurprisingly, this task is cut in calf between the two sides."

Upper Legs - "Contains most of the servos required for shifting the suit. Well, the bottom part at least. And the left/right side..."

Pelvis - "It's pretty hip, dude."

Waist - "Contains the main movement servos. Can move north, south, east, and waist."

Chest - "Contains the CPU and a missing morality unit. Probably not important for a disguise, or a Cog."

Left Shoulder - "It's been said it can hold the weight of the world. It can barely hold a one ton weight."

Right Shoulder - "The cooling unit of the suit. The 'Cold Shoulder' if you would."

Upper Arms - "This part is worth an arm and a leg. That's inflation for ya."

Lower Left Arm - "There are a lot of gyroscopic parts in here for manipulation of records and Toons alike."

Lower Right Arm - "There are a lot of crossing mechanisms here. Likely to save time from having to cross fingers."

Left Hand - "Did you know there are no left handed Cogs? Well it shouldn't bother us, there are no left handed Toons either. Wait..."

Right Hand - "This part is any Cog's right hand man in a negotiation."

Hi! Thanks for bringing this up, we had actually planned on adding this to the Cog Disguise page but I guess we never did. We are working on adding it now.

Workingrabbits (talk) 05:25, 7 October 2023 (UTC)

Just added this to the page, thank you for bringing this to our attention and finding all the information! If you'd ever like to contribute again in the future, feel free to do so or ask one of the admins for help! Have a good one. DigginsTheTrueDiggins (talk) 05:45, 7 October 2023 (UTC)