User talk:Jellywish09

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Template Idea

Hi! I appreciate the message you left on my talk page. When editing the Director of Public Relations's page, I thought of a position spot for the Cog template. All Cogs have positions, whether they're employees or Managers like the Director of Public Relations.

Hey User:Professor Control, I edited the Cog Overview template to include Position. Thanks for sharing your idea with me! Jellywish09 (talk) 18:16, 5 November 2020 (UTC)

These inappropiate references on the wiki

Hi there

You remember the time talking about the shyster article where somebody commented about shyster hen tie for $5 (Sorry, I know it's a grey area) There's been more pornographic and inappropiate references on the wiki, Like my comment on the CEO article for example and my thread of who's the best Lawbot specialist or favourite cog thread.

I would like to ask you a question, I don't fully understand your comment in the shyster area, apart from the wiki, where can people share flirty fanart of shysters online?

Thanks for your understanding, I wish the best of dealing with this issue