ValenToon's Day 2019 ToonTask

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During ValenToon's Day 2019, a special ToonTask was available to Toons. Toons could pick this task up from Rose S.R. Redd in the Mezzo Melodyland playground.

Task Steps

  • Visit Rose S.R. Redd in the Mezzo Melodyland playground
    • Recover 10 Pieces of Fabric from The Cogs Anywhere
  • Return to Rose S.R. Redd in the Mezzo Melodyland playground
  • Return to Rose S.R. Redd in the Mezzo Melodyland playground
    • Collect 10 Treasures in the Mezzo Melodyland Playground
  • Return to Rose S.R. Redd in the Mezzo Melodyland playground

Task Script

ValenToon's Day 2019 ToonTask's Task Script
The Toontown Corporate Clash Wiki has a separate article for ValenToon's Day 2019 ToonTask's Task Script.


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