Rose S.R. Redd

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Rose S.R. Redd is an NPC Toon who could be found located in the Mezzo Melodyland playground during the ValenToon's Day 2019, April Toons 2019, and ValenToon's Day 2020 events. She gave out special ToonTasks for Toons to complete.


Rose S.R. Redd is a peach rabbit who wears the Cupid Outfit.

During ValenToon's Day 2020 she instead wore the Cupid's Bow + Quiver, the Valentoon's Shirt, and the Cupid Skirt.

Story Appearances

Event Tasks - Rose S.R. Redd appears in the ValenToon's Day 2019 ToonTask. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

ValenToon's Day 2019 ToonTask

"Oh boy, oh boy!"
"Can't you feel it?"
"The warm, cuddly feelings are in full motion!"
"Big red hearts being thrown around."
"Fresh, sweet-scented flowers being plucked."
"And those little candies with the words on them that taste like street chalk!"
"Gee, Valentoon's Day sure is the best!"
"Hey, wait a minute..."
"You don't look fully embraced in the spirit of Valentoons..."
"You need to look EVEN MORE in the Valentoon spirit!"
"It's time we get you some proper Valentoon's Day gifts!"
"Let's start with something for you on this wonderful day."
"I'm going to be crafty here, so we'll need supplies!"
"Let's start with some colorful fabric. Some cogs are stuffed full of it inside their suits."
"Bring back enough to start a whole outfit!"
"This is going to be the best Valentoon's Day yet!"

After recovering 10 Pieces of Fabric

"I've gotta say, this stuff looks magnificent!"
"This is even greater quality fabric than the stuff I was made out of!"
"Huh? Oh. Well, I was originally a stuffed Valentoon plushie, but I kinda came to life somehow..."
"Anywayssss, It's a long story, but what's important is that you're my special valentoon today!"
"I just need some colorful dyes now. The best place I've found some of them were in the treasure chests deep down underwater."
"Those things are full of great stuff! Chocolate Coins, Jellybeans, Colorful dyes..."
"Hey, those treasure chests almost make a perfect Valentoons gift in themselves!"
"If you can get some, you'll be looking festive in no-time!"

After collecting 2 Treasure Chests on The Trolley

"It's finished! The colorful, high-quality, detailed outfit is finished!"
"You'll look stunning. Potential Valentoons suitors will be flocking to you!"
"You need one more thing. I just thought of it!"
"Like the alluring sound of sweet string-music, we need a final piece to make your outfit POP!"
"Bring me some music notes from this playground."
"I'm going to use that string music to STRING together a wonderful standout piece."
"I'm so excited!"

After collecting 10 Treasures in Mezzo Melodyland

"This is great!"
"I'm going to send it to your mailbox right away!"
"Don't even waste time! Check it out!"
"Come back and tell me what you think after!"

Misc. Appearances

  • Rose S.R. Redd speaks in the A Little Something Sweet blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Rose S.R. Redd speaks in the Valentoon's Day is here! blog post on the Corporate Clash website.
  • Rose S.R. Redd is mentioned in a tweet posted on the Corporate Clash twitter.


  • Unlike all other Toons, Rose S.R. Redd's occupation is colored blue instead of the standard orange.
  • Rose S.R. Redd has a painting of her that can be purchased from the Cattlelog during February.
  • Despite her appearance being updated for ValenToon's Day 2020 Rose S.R. Redd would instead wear her 2019 outfit if she was encountered in the Match Game prior to the v1.2.6 Update.
