Aunt Arctic

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Aunt Arctic is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Aunt Arctic's Soup Shop located on Sleet Street in The Brrrgh.


Aunt Arctic is a green armadillo who wears a sea green Pocket Polo and an orange Pleated skirt.

Story Appearances

The Brrrgh - Aunt Arctic appears in the Soup Served Sad Kudos Board Rank-Up Task. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Soup Served Sad

"Oh yeah? You want to relax? And drink Soup?"
"You claim to be cold, and you think you're deserving of MY Soup?"
"Think again."
"My Soup is the finest among all the Playgrounds. It only belongs to the highest bidder."
"If you want to earn the Soup, you'll have to prove yourself. Go ahead and roughen yourself up a bit, then come back."

After going sad

"That's quite the bruising you've received. Not bad. With a little more effort, one could mistake you for deserving my great Soup."
"But I know you're playing games with me."
"You probably just got hit intentionally or even jumped in a fountain of oil somewhere to try and TRICK me, didn't you?"
"I know your type. You never learn, always trying to get out of doing other people's chores the easy way."
"Go on. Get hit, and come back once you actually earned the pain. Then, we'll talk Soup."

After defeating a 3+ Story Cog Building with less than 33% Laff

"Finally, you started listening to me. You've done your homework, and now you can start bidding for the Soup."
"What, you thought you were going to get MY Soup for free? No. Never. Now, let's talk pricing."
"Soup starts are 4,000,000 Jellybeans per bowl. This is a normal price to start at, wouldn't you agree?"
"Don't worry, though. You have a 30% playground discount. That's so cool. Now it's only 2,800,000 Jellybeans."
"Hey, where are you going-"