Big Mama

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Big Mama is an NPC Toon who takes up residence in Big Mama's Bahama Pajamas located on Lullaby Lane in Drowsy Dreamland.


Big Mama is a lime duck who wears a sea green Stars shirt, an aqua Jean Pockets skirt, and uses the Big Toon Cheesy Effect.

Story Appearances

Drowsy Dreamland - In Drowsy Dreamland's taskline Big Mama appears in the following task: Bahama Pajama Drama. Her dialogue during this task is as follows:

Bahama Pajama Drama

"Hi dere!"
"I've been hard at work perfecting my craft, my Bahama Pajamas for Toons to enjoy!"
"But wit all dese Cogs around latahlee, it's just been so hahd to get enough materiall to make some new designs for Toons..."
"Could you possibleh clear up da streets here a bit, for meh?"
"Tank you, [Toon Name]."

After defeating some Cogs in Drowsy Dreamland

"Tank you vereh much!"
"I tink it might be easier to now get materialls for my Bahama Pajamas, but I still need to find some..."
"I want to make a nice pair for Cat, who also produces some lovely pajamas."
"If only I had some materiall to make it wit..."
"Dere was one of dose Cogs I saw, tey had some cloth on dat would make great pajamas!"
"Could you get some for me?"
"It was dose Bossbot Cogs! It looks like great materiall! Soft and silky!"
"Thank you!"

After recovering some Pieces of Cloth from Bossbots

"Oh dis looks so great!"
"I have to whip some pajamas up right dis instant!"
"Just watch me go!"
"An excellent gift for Cat!"
"Could you take dis pair of pajamas ova to her?"
"Her shop's Cat's Pajamas over on Pajama Place."
"Tank you once again!"

After recovering Some Pajamas from Cogs in Drowsy Dreamland

"Aww, dat Cat sure is sweeter dan a ripe mango!"
"Da design is a bit odd with the Cog footprint, but I will still cherish it."
"Tank you, [Toon Name]. You've helped dis mama out."
"Maybe anotha time I can give you some bahama pajamas as well!"
"See you around the Bahamas, [Toon Name]. Unteal next time."